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half size claw pls

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If you want Squad to take the suggestion seriously, I recommend explaining why you think it would be nice. It doesn't have to be a huge explanation, just something more substantial than "I think it would be nice". A half-size attachment for redirecting asteroids doesn't make a whole lot of sense to me immediately.

What problem does it solve?

What niche does it fill?

Why is the current version not suitable for the situations that you see the half-size being useful?

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I think it would allow smaller capsules and sattelites to grab stuff and/or anchor themselves. Just think of the possibilities. A claw that no longer consumes your tiny one-man capsule. Ah, the aerodynamic period is born.

Anyway, I feel that a larger claw would be a good idea too, probably better (no offence) than a smaller claw. We really need the ability to build stable bases into asteroids.

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I've got a config I made for myself for this exact purpose. Personally, I just wanted to recreate Philae and the stock Claw was too big.

Give me a couple of hours to get back to my PC and I'll post it. Just keep in mind that it's just a half-size claw, not a new model or anything. The original will still be in the game, though. :)

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I've got a config I made for myself for this exact purpose. Personally, I just wanted to recreate Philae and the stock Claw was too big.

Give me a couple of hours to get back to my PC and I'll post it. Just keep in mind that it's just a half-size claw, not a new model or anything. The original will still be in the game, though. :)

would be great thanks

If you want Squad to take the suggestion seriously, I recommend explaining why you think it would be nice. It doesn't have to be a huge explanation, just something more substantial than "I think it would be nice". A half-size attachment for redirecting asteroids doesn't make a whole lot of sense to me immediately.

What problem does it solve?

What niche does it fill?

Why is the current version not suitable for the situations that you see the half-size being useful?

meh, i dont think they take anything seriously. it was much more of a "drop up an idea, some might start talking about" stuff. the reason behind is simple i think as there are different size of parts and so u can build different size crafts its simply too big for a small craft/lander/whatever. i use it for general docking and landing purposes sometimes but u cant do it with this big one...

Edited by Tuareg
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Here is a half size one .

EDIT- All you need is to have ModuleManager 2.5.1 install and put it any where in KSP/GameData https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/72893034/grabber_Small.cfg.zip

EDIT- Here is a patch that has 2 sizes one is a 1/2 size and one is a 1/4 size. https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/72893034/grabber_Small_%26_Smaller.cfg.zip

Edited by Mecripp2
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Here is a half size one .

EDIT- All you need is to have ModuleManager 2.5.1 install and put it any where in KSP/GameData https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/72893034/grabber_Small.cfg.zip

hmmm. i've got mm2.5.1, its in the gamedata right next to it your cfg but when i start up ksp it says 0 patches installed :/

ohh, but its here... thx :)

Edited by Tuareg
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Anyway, I feel that a larger claw would be a good idea too, probably better (no offence) than a smaller claw. We really need the ability to build stable bases into asteroids.

Which really is a question not of size, but of rigidity. I am, right now, in the process of moving a 2500t asteroid. The vessel doing it weighs 800t. That's a lot of force for a single claw.

I've spread several toque pods around the rock, otherwise the connection would break when I try to turn. It would be much better if either the one connection could take the whole load, or if we could have several connections, either through claws or by stringing a few lines between ship and asteroid. The latter would be a lot more credible than a single super-rigid claw.

And while I'm at it: that pivot is priceless, but setting it "just right" is practically impossible. Or maybe it would be right enough if the vessel wouldn't bend so much around the claw. As it is, a lot of swinging seems inevitable. Given the amount of thrust I can transmit through the claw, I'm looking forward to several hours of babysitting the burn. The gear just isn't up to the task, and I don't see how I should use the gear much better than I currently do.

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Well if any one wants did alittle resizing changed the half size alittle from cfg before and add some more parts and there is a claw for every probecore list of parts added

GrapplingDevice2.6 <----- Large for 3.25 parts

GrapplingDevice.6 <---- for 2.5 parts

GrapplingDevice.4 <---- and smaller but it was cute

Communotron 88-88.5 <---- like this dish but needed it small

Communotron 32c <----- large Antenna

Mystery Gooâ„¢ Containment Unit.6 <----- Smaller one to fit the smaller parts

SC-9001 Science Jr.6 <----- Smaller one to fit the smaller parts

RCSBlock.5 <----- Smaller one to fit the smaller parts

LT-5 Micro Landing Strut.5 <----- Smaller one to fit the smaller parts not really but they was cute

All you need is ModuleManager.2.5.1 install in KSP/GameData and put this file anywhere in there https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/72893034/Small_Stock_Parts.cfg.zip

Will size to fit

Edited by Mecripp2
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Ok, so I finally got my computer back and just noticed that MeCripp already posted a lot more than what I've got. In case any of you fellows don't have/want ModuleManager, here's what you're gonna do to get my version of the half-size Claw:

1) Go to GameData/NASAmission/Parts/GrapplingDevice

2) Create a new .cfg file (just make a new .txt and change the file extension, it'll work). You can name it anything you want, I called mine "mini.cfg"

3) Paste the following stuff on it:

name = MiniGrapplingDevice
module = Part
author = Squad

mesh = model.mu
scale = 1
rescaleFactor = 0.5

node_stack_top = 0.0, -0.1126614, 0.00, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 1
node_attach = 0.0, 0.0, 0.00, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 1

TechRequired = actuators
entryCost = 5200

cost = 350
category = Utility
subcategory = 0
title = Advanced Grabbing Unit Jr.
manufacturer = Kerbal Motion LLC
description = Kerbal Motion engineers have long struggled with the problem of how to extract dropped tools from complicated machinery. After observing an intern cleaning out his shoes by turning them upside and shaking them inside the lab, our team was hit with a stroke of inspiration! Why not turn the rocket parts upside down and shake them? The grabbing arm perfectly filled this niche, and is quite capable of lifting heavy machinery. It has since found other uses, besides delicate tool extraction operations. AKA "The Klaw!" This is the junior edition, for your mini clawing needs.

attachRules = 1,1,0,0,0

mass = 0.025
dragModelType = default
maximum_drag = 0.3
minimum_drag = 0.2
angularDrag = 1
crashTolerance = 7
maxTemp = 3600

fuelCrossFeed = False
crashTolerance = 50
breakingForce = 50
breakingTorque = 50

4) Save it.

Now you should have a mini Claw. I haven't gotten around to grappling any asteroids with it, but it should work just fine.

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