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Big wheels keep on turning! But WHY?

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Hi there!

Just managed to land my first Rover on the Mun (after a VERY shaky first stage). My jubilations were short-lived, because I landed on an inclination. Still, no problem - rover was dirtside, and my lander was upright. Jeb just wanted to disembark to take his new rover for a spin.

But suddenly, my Rover, well... went off downhill. At first I thought it was just rolling down, but after three kms (and after it crashed), I realised that the wheels were stll turning - it obviously was on! Without any kerbalnaut in it?!?!

How do I keep my Rovers from... roving away before my Kerbals can actually use them? Is there some part I've missed? I'm guessing the Rover was connected with my lander and got some commands during the landing, but I don't know for certain...

Thanks for the help!

Edited by CmdrBone
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I may have read you wrong, but it sounds like you're saying the wheels were still turning after the crash, when presumably they weren't on the ground any more?

This is just because unless you apply a force to the wheel (i.e. brakes or propulsion in the opposite direction to the spin) there's zero friction/drag on the part so it just keeps moving. In RL the bearing would create enough friction to slow and eventually stop the wheel, but what you're seeing is basically the same as a bicycle-wheel that's freewheeling after a crash - it doesn't mean anybody's still actually pedaling.

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