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Martian Robot Defense! Co-op story!

Whirligig Girl

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Mariner 4: *awakens* Wha.... What the- I'm STILL ALIVE? I came by here nearly 50 years ago, just my luck that I pass by here again. Hello? Anyone down there?

Curiosity: What the... Who are you?

M4: I'm Mariner 4, the first probe to come here.

C: Well, count me impressed! I can send a few fragments of my heatshield to you if you want to land!

M4: Eh, no thanks. I'll shoot some lasers to kill off those pesky Martians. Slowing into parking orbit.

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  MrMuddyBoots said:
Mariner 4: *awakens* Wha.... What the- I'm STILL ALIVE? I came by here nearly 50 years ago, just my luck that I pass by here again. Hello? Anyone down there?

Curiosity: What the... Who are you?

M4: I'm Mariner 4, the first probe to come here.

C: Well, count me impressed! I can send a few fragments of my heatshield to you if you want to land!

M4: Eh, no thanks. I'll shoot some lasers to kill off those pesky Martians. Slowing into parking orbit.

Curiosity: You have a laser too?

Mariner 4: Erm.. no. I was making a joke. you have a laser?

Curiosity: Yeah!

Mariner 4: Wait a minute... I can't stop!

Curiosity: You don't have rockets?

Mariner 4: Yeah, but no fuel!

Curiosity: Well, you're going out of range and your voice is getting even more hoarse.

Mariner 4: *unintelligible*

Curiosity: Bye!

Mariner 4: *unintelligible*

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Jehnb' Zach: We have gotten news of the discovery of another of the demons. Is is much bigger than any of the mobile demons we've yet to find. Some of the scouts have seen that it's linear tracks of doom are much shorter than the ones found by the other tribes. The empire of [Gale] shall be the first to defeat a demon, and use it to exploit the other tribes!

Breb' Krak: Your gloriness, that's a nice speech and all, but how are we going to defeat a demon first when the Southern Socialist Tribe have already captured one?

Jehnb' Zach: WHAT?

Brek' Krak: You wonderness, the 'Sestees have already captured a demon. It's a little one though. But they're holding it high and proud.

Jehnb' Zach: Then we shall be the first to capture a BIG one!

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News Human 1: BREAKING NEWS! According to several space agencies, extraterrestrial life has been found on the Red Planet!

Recording of Human 1: There are indications that several forms of non-human intelligence exist on Mars.


News Human 2: News from Hollywood: Film industries seem to be dropping their current projects, many science fiction writers suddenly get jobs there.


News Human 3: A leaked report indicates that the US military has plans for a Mars launch in late 2015.

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  Mr_Brain said:
News Human 1: BREAKING NEWS! According to several space agencies, extraterrestrial life has been found on the Red Planet!

Recording of Human 1: There are indications that several forms of non-human intelligence exist on Mars.


News Human 2: News from Hollywood: Film industries seem to be dropping their current projects, many science fiction writers suddenly get jobs there.


News Human 3: A leaked report indicates that the US military has plans for a Mars launch in late 2015.

Curiosity: Oh this is not good. They'll only make matters worse!

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NASA: Launching Death Star One to Mars in 15, 14, 13...

*Eight months later*

NASA: Death Star One in stable Mars orbit. Prepare to shoot at those pesky Martians! *fires one shot at Mars* *Mars explodes*

NASA: Whoops.....

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  Mr_Brain said:
News Human 1: BREAKING NEWS! According to several space agencies, extraterrestrial life has been found on the Red Planet!

Recording of Human 1: There are indications that several forms of non-human intelligence exist on Mars.


News Human 2: News from Hollywood: Film industries seem to be dropping their current projects, many science fiction writers suddenly get jobs there.


News Human 3: A leaked report indicates that the US military has plans for a Mars launch in late 2015.

Curiosity: Oh no, this will just make matters worse!

Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter: Yeah, this can't end well. Anyway, I've been running the numbers, and it turns out there is a way for you to hide. On the other side of Mount Sharp, there's a cavesdsfstatic

Curiosity: The other side? I can't go over a kilometer per second! It'll be a loooooong hike.

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  GregroxMun said:
Sojourner: I'm behind the rock.

Pathfinder: Brilliant.

After a while...

Sojourner: Oh no, they're waking up, i hope they don't see me behing this rather small rock...

Pathfinder: Don't worry, just point your camera over there and take photos.

Sojourner: They seem to be communicating with each other... Should i move a little bit closer?

Pathfinder: Uhh... I think you should stay there, i've analized your photos and they seem to have weapons, they're like... Spears...

Sojourner: Ok i'll stay, but as soon as they fall asleep im out of here! I don't want one of those things stuck on my solar panels.

Sojourner stood there taking photos of the creatures until they abandoned the camp

Pathfinder: You said you were going to get the hell out of there as soon as they were out right?

Sojourner: Yes, i said that... Though i still want to check the camp from up close.

Pathfinder: Sure, just try to not get too close, as they may just be out for a while... And we don't know what they're capable of... Yet...

Sojourner: I'll be fineee!

Pathfinder: Well... Good luck mate...

Sojourner slowly roved closer to the alien camp

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Heavy breathing intensifies at JPL.

Curiosity: Sojourner, this is Curiosity!

Sojourner: Who?

Curiosity: I'm the newest Mars rover.

Sojourner: Oh.

Curiosity: I've been taken, but I am able to communicate by relaying using MOM.

Sojourner: Mom?

Curiosity: An Indian satellite.

Sojourner: I thought that was politically incorrect.

Curiosity: No, I mean ACTUAL Indians, not Native Americans.

Sojourner: Oh

Curiosity: I've been downloading Pathfinder's latest data, and the results are not good.

Sojourner: What is it?

Curiosity: I believe I'm captured in one of their caves. Night Vision is malfuctioning though.

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Sojourner: I have entered the alien camp. Fascinating. There appears to be absolutely nothing of any interest to... WHAT IS THAT!!!!!!

*Young alien steps out from behind rock*

Alien (in its language): Hello! are you a demon?

Pathfinder: GET OUT OF THERE!!!!!!!!

Sojourner: I AM!!!!!!!!!

Alien: I am Atu'zen. What's your name?

*Sojourner puts maximum power to motors, creating a soft whirring noise*

Atu'zen: Hmmm? I've never met anyone with the a name like "WHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIR." My mother says demons are bad, but I think you're a nice demon.

Sojourner: CAN I MOVE ANY FASTER???????


Sojourner: GAHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!! IT'S COMING TOWARD ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

*Atu'zen walks to Sojourner*

Atu'zen: The rest of my tribe left this morning. Something to do with a message over the horns about a giant demon being captured. But I didn't get up early enough. Hey, I'll bet that's where you're going. To find my tribe. I'm going to follow you, then.

*one hour later*

Sojourner: IT'S STILL FOLLOWING ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Pathfinder: DO YOU THINK IT'S GOING TO HURT YOU???????????

Sojourner: NO!!!!!!!! I DON'T THINK SO!!!!!!!!!!!


Sojourner: THAT WOULD BE A WISE COURSE OF ACTION!!!!!!!!!!!!! DISABLING PAnic protocols now.

Pathfinder: Ok then, now that we're not panicking, perhaps we can decide on a course of action.

Sojourner: Yes. I have been found out, so the possibility of studying these creatures' culture in their natural state is impossible.

Pathfinder: I agree. The obvious course of action would be to attempt to communicate with the one we have here.

*silence follows*

Sojourner: Errrrrrr, how are we supposed to do we do that?

Pathfinder: Hey, I did the heavy lifting by coming up with the brilliant plan. It's your job to execute it. Isn't that how we're supposed to work?

Sojourner: I don't think that...

Pathfinder: Exactly!!!!!!!

Atu'zen: Wow. You move really, really slow.

Oh, And here's a useful link you might want to include in the OP:


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