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Rescuing Loble Kerman From Earth Orbit

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Recently I have started Career Mode (A First!) and have started the mission to rescue Loble Kerman from orbit. Loble is found orbiting the earth without a vehicle. I sent up a rescue craft with Jeb, but I don't know how to get Loble on board. I cannot use the Loble character to get him to fly towards my craft. I went to my Space Center but have no option to 'fly' Loble Kerman. All I can do is track him. I have tried an EVA with Jeb, but even 0.1M away, but I have no action menu. I'm just wondering how I can save my helpless, comatose Kerbal friend.

Any advice would be appreciated so I can progress. Thanks!

Edited by YourBroBeast
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hi, when your rescue vessel is within 5km(?) of Loble (or anything controllable) you should be able to switch to it with the [ ] keys.

but you need room on your ship to take him on board! so if you only have the small command pod available you'll need to empty it in the VAB and send the ship up with a probe core and empty command pod. i forgot to empty the pod too many times on rescue missions :)

good luck

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