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Crash at the VAB (64-Bit)

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Just a prior note, this is the Linux 64 bit version, and many people have told me only the Windows 64 bit version is specifically unstable, so I'm not sure it's because it's 64-bit.

Basically, whenever I enter the VAB, I can build for approximately 2-5 seconds until my game (and it always does this on Linux) crashes. It doesn't send me back to the desktop, it just freezes, with the music still playing. My mouse often locks up at this point, too, unable to move. I have tried running it without Steam, and I have the FLGRX AMD proprietary drivers installed. What do I do? :( please help, I've had this bug for weeks, and it is apparent with both modded and unmodded installs, so that's why I posted it here. Please help me out, KSP forums.

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Bugger. I don't see anything suspicious in there, assuming KSP crashed in the timeframe this log covers.

It's about as usefull as the Player.log :(

Doesn't necessarily rule out hardware / driver / ram etc. issues but it's not as illuminating as I'd hoped.

I'd still be tempted to point the finger at the GPU drivers, if only because AMD has a long history of shoddy drivers for Linux....

So... got the latest AMD driver?

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on a note, i get this as well,

btw, this only started when I installed CCC, before I could play as much as I wanted, but I didnt get the frames I wanted


Radeon 7770 HD

760k Black Edition


2Tbs HDD

CCC 14.?

ya i get into the editor, i can make stuff for about 2mins, then the game freezes and I cant kill it, instead I have to restart the whole system

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So prior to that you were running the open-source raedon driver? and it worked?

This is smelling more and more like a bug in AMDs drivers... again.

It's been a rock & hard-place scenario with AMD/ATI for damn near forever - lower than expected performance with the open-source drivers - you can't really blame the devs though, they've had to reverse engineer much of this. ;)

Never-ending compatibility issues & bugs with AMDs binary blob. :mad:

Unfortunately I don't have an AMD card to play with... and I won't buy one until the Linux driver support improves.

If it's taking down X, its almost certainly a driver issue.

Unless someone with an AMD card has some tips, or changing settings in CCC fixes it this might be a 'go whinge at AMD for the crappy driver' type scenario :(

Edited by steve_v
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