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side mixup?

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I have 2 questions, which really bug me.

1. all my pods come in facing wrong. It annoys me. everyone else have very good, forward facing parts, but my parts just come over and face the wall with trucks on it like if facing from the opening, my command pod m.k.1 lets the people get out to the left. the bigger 2 meter command pod lets them get out on the right

2. with correct facing craft, which side is dorsal

Edited by jake9039
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2. with correct facing craft, which side is dorsal

Which side is dorsal is determined by the controlling part, usually a command pod for simpler designs. For the Mk1 pod, the dorsal side is the side with the hatch. For the Mk1-2 pod (the 2m one), the dorsal side is between the two small windows.

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With version 0.25 (maybe earlier) one can determine the rocket's orientation on the pad by taking a look trough the open VAB door to the launch pad. The orientation in the VAB will match the orientation on the pad. Is used to be different in prior versions.

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