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Importing a .craft item from SPH to VAB has messed up the VAB symmetry

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Hey people!

So i've read in the past, as a tip to designing rovers, to build them in the SPH and import the design in the to VAB.

I have done this, but since opening the .craft in the VAB and trying to design a rocket to take my payload to the Mun, i have noticed that my symmetry option/feature has gone a bit squiffy.

Check the image


Anyone have any ideas why this has happened?

Thank you for your time!

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Sorry - need to clarify -

I have v0.25.0.642

Currently installed mods:


And if your curious, the rover i designed - do you think il even get it in to space?



I intend on whacking it at the top of my rocket, connected to a lander that is set upside down so when the lander is in space, the Rover is at the bottom. Im going to try and "drop" the rover on the last stages of landing the lander craft, abort the landing and scrap the lander, if that makes sense?



Edited by Dreaddy
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Moving craft back and forth between the VAB and SPH can make things go a bit wonky sometimes. For now, editor extensions (http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/38768-0-25-Editor-Extensions-v1-4-11-Oct-2014-%28EdTools-Editor-Tools-replacement%29) is probably the best way to make things easier. There is a rework of the stock editor system coming in the next update (hopefully) and maybe that will fix some of the wonky-ness.

I think you will probably be able to get that big rover into space after just a couple of tries. I have found that the big wheels go flat pretty easily though, so be sure your kerbals can get up and down out of the rover to fix those wheels. No big deal on the Mun or Minmus, but you will definitely need ladders on Kerbin.

Edited by Otis
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Thanks for the reply - I've installed that mod but no joy - the symmetry is still messed up - its like its pulling the mapping for the symmetry from the SPH.

Back to the drawing board i guess, which is a shame as i really wanted to get that thing on the Mun :/

Unless anyone has any more suggestions?

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How did you import the design into the VAB? Did you just copy the .craft file from the SPH folder to the VAB folder?

If you open the .craft file right at the top is says "type = SPH" if it was built in the SPH or "type = VAB" if it was built in the VAB. Try changing the .craft file of your rover to say "type = VAB" and see if that helps...

A better option is to save the rover as a subassembly. This way you can just click it and attach it to your rocket in the VAB. Be careful though, as things can get weird since the subassembly always wants to attach from the root part...

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I will try and edit the .craft file! Thanks for that!

Also, i have noticed that you cant make sub assemblies with command pods on them? Or is that because im leaving the crew in the pod when trying to create the sub assembly? (just thought about that)

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How did you import the design into the VAB? Did you just copy the .craft file from the SPH folder to the VAB folder?

If you open the .craft file right at the top is says "type = SPH" if it was built in the SPH or "type = VAB" if it was built in the VAB. Try changing the .craft file of your rover to say "type = VAB" and see if that helps...

A better option is to save the rover as a subassembly. This way you can just click it and attach it to your rocket in the VAB. Be careful though, as things can get weird since the subassembly always wants to attach from the root part...

Just like to add - this seemed to have sorted it for me! Thanks!

Changing .craft file "TYPE= VAB"

Thanks! :D

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Just like to add - this seemed to have sorted it for me! Thanks!

Not a problem!

Also, i have noticed that you cant make sub assemblies with command pods on them? Or is that because im leaving the crew in the pod when trying to create the sub assembly? (just thought about that)

The only restriction for creating a subassembly is that the root part must have a connection node available. So if you start with a probe core, then build a rover around it, then click on the probe core and drag it to the subassembly area you will be fine. A command pod won't work, because it doesn't have an available connection point once it is attached to something else.

The part you are clicking on, when you drag the subassembly into the box for creating a subassembly, must have a connection node available or it won't let you create the subassembly.

Hope I explained that well enough...

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