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Spaceplane Mk2 Stack Decoupler and Docking Ports

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With the addition of the sp+ mk2 parts spaceplane STTOs have been my main way of getting stuff to space and back with little expense. I have the problem though that there is no good way to make separation of parts that blends with the mk2 parts.

Decoupler and/or separators are needed if you want to create an emergency escape off the ship, and could be useful for non single stage spaceships with mk2 parts.

In-stack (contrary to in-line) docking ports are also missing. Being able to detach and reattach from your main ship a probe for different missions can increase the usefulness of spaceplanes without breaking the center of mass/thrust alignment. (I use these mostly for fuel transportation without the need to dock the whole ship to the depot, better maneuverability).

I tried using the mk2 to double mk1 adapter to accomplish this, and this happened:


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I would definetly like decouplers for emergency situations. I usually don't use sandbox to test my crafts and I get the flat probe cores fairly late with the current tech tree. My testpilots could need that kind of thing.

But I wouldn't have a use for an mk2 docking port tbh, sry

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Mk 2 docking port needs magnetic roll- wih that, it can reliably make a usable spaceplane after connection.

Also it allows you to radially dock something and know exactly which way it's pointing, which will be useful for assembling larger craft in orbit.

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I can see the safety issues with the lack of a Mk.2 Decoupler, but the docking port seems redundant. After all, the spaceplane shape is useless once your already in vacuum, and I cannot find many instances where you can reliably fly a spaceplane up to orbital velocities and still need to change its configuration for flying to other bodies' atmosphere .

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I can see the safety issues with the lack of a Mk.2 Decoupler, but the docking port seems redundant. After all, the spaceplane shape is useless once your already in vacuum, and I cannot find many instances where you can reliably fly a spaceplane up to orbital velocities and still need to change its configuration for flying to other bodies' atmosphere .

Sure, but consider what ELSE you could do with a docing port with magnetic roll- that is, something that always has a perfect docking alignment.

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Sure, but consider what ELSE you could do with a docing port with magnetic roll- that is, something that always has a perfect docking alignment.

Oh, I SOOOOO want this one. But this is a suggestion about a specific-shaped port, which I find is the wrong shape.

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