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Help with custom parts, No VFX or thrust, but it plays sound, consumes fuel


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Here's the code: http://pastebin.com/5FBkga8F

And here's the part files: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/d3532skymww8jsi/AADRtoIiwK7lK1tME6Iy-jVsa?dl=0

Its an inline double sepratron. Double the thrust, double the fuel, 1.25m stackable.

The config file was taken from the original sepratron.

The problem is as the title says; it displays no visuals, provides no thrust, but still plays audio, heats parts, and consumes fuel.

If anyone knows what the problem or what to look for, would be much appreciated.

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From importing your mu into blender, it looks like you're missing the thrustTransform. You've got to add an empty gameobject in Unity, with the Blue Axis pointing the direction you want the engine exhaust to come out, and name it ' thrustTransform '. The tutorials in the sticky on engine setup will give you more info and examples of it, but you're almost there!


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