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SOS Need help with KAX Helicopters


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Ok so I am designing military vehicles for an upcoming youtube series and I stumbled upon KAX, which allowed me to make a C130. The problem is that I wanted to make a helicopter and I have not been able to find a stable, swift design. Ideally I want to be able to make one without Firespitter parts and I need it to be MK 2 stock aircraft parts. Pls Help I never designed helicopters, only massive star cruisers and fighter jets;.;

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Ok so I am designing military vehicles for an upcoming youtube series and I stumbled upon KAX, which allowed me to make a C130. The problem is that I wanted to make a helicopter and I have not been able to find a stable, swift design. Ideally I want to be able to make one without Firespitter parts and I need it to be MK 2 stock aircraft parts. Pls Help I never designed helicopters, only massive star cruisers and fighter jets;.;

In order to make an effective helicopter you need a main rotor (Placed at your CoM) and a tail rotor (The longer the better) and a few reaction wheels to keep it stable,

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The chopper will be more stable if the fuel tanks are centred directly below the main rotor with CoT and CoM are on top of each other. Any error should be Mass-forward so that you gently accelerate forwards. Flying choppers/VTOLs with the navball takes a bit of getting used to, but it is possible to make a very stable flight.

In my experience with KAX and Firespitter, helicopters are much more finnecky to fly than jet VTOLs. The Firespitter auto-hover feature is a great advantage for landing, but when I tried KAX on it's own I couldn't get it to work - the button was there but didn't do anything (at least that I could see). On the other hand, the KAX rotor effects are much more satisfying/smoother than Firespitter's. I used the SP+ parts and KAX Huey rotors to make a Chinook-style helicopter with the intention of recovering vessels/pods that landed offshore. Balancing the KAS winch, fuel tanks and CoT on that was... interesting.

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