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Monkey Business Rocketry - Pirate Pack v0.7.1

Capt'n Skunky

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[mod]This pack will no longer work with the current versions of the game. However, it still works with the demo.[/mod]

Inspired by the work of Hellfire of Red Dawn Studio, I figured I\'d take a shot at hoisting my own Jolly Roger!

Kerbalnauts of the Keribbean! Unite under the banner of the Skull & Crossbones Jolly Roger!

Your enemies will fear you! Your friends will fear you, but not for the same reason!

Vanilla Pirate Parts Pack:

Single Chute Jolly Roger



MBR Solid Fuel Powder Keg



MBR Capt\'n Chair Mk1 Command Pod

MBR S.A.S. Module

MBR-38K Radial Decoupler

MBR-18A Stack Decoupler

MBR-R8 Winglet



MBR-T500 Black Gold Fuel Tank



MBR-XB420 Stack Tri-Coupler



The following parts are currently NOT included in the download. Stay tuned!

Triple Chute Jolly Roger



MBR-30 Medium Solid Fuel Powder Keg (Wobbly Rockets)



MBR-SD80 Stack Decoupler (Wobbly Rockets)



MBR-SD91 Stack Decoupler Shroud (Wobbly Rockets)



MBR-SD92 Stack Decoupler Shroud (Wobbly Rockets)



MBR-SD93 Stack Decoupler Shroud (Wobbly Rockets)



MBR-SD501 3m Stack Decoupler Shroud (Wobbly Rockets)



Thanks to Sunday Punch and his Wobbly Rockets for the Medium SRB and Decoupler Shrouds.

Thanks to NovaSilisko for his texture re-mapped SAS Module.

Arrr mateys, be keepin\' ye day eye on this here ship as there\'ll be booty a plenty in the future.


Capt\'n Skunky

Downloads Here:

MBR - Vanilla Parts Pirate Pack v0.7.1

Version History


- Fixed red tint issue for KSP v0.11


- Removed non-vanilla parts

- Only includes textures now


- Darkened some textures for a blacker look.

- Added Tri-Coupler retexture

- Added liquid fuel tank retexture

- Added Wobbly Rockets Decoupler Shroud retextures.


- Added Mk1Pod retexture

- Added SAS Module retexture

- Added Radial Decoupler retexture

- Added Stack Decoupler retexture

- Added Winglet2 retexture


- Fixed issue with textures reverting on reload.


- Added Medium SRB retexture from Sunday Punch\'s Wobbly Rockets


- Added vanilla SRB retexture


- Added triple cute


- Initial release

- Single Parachute Jolly Roger retexture

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Awesome! The material texture looks great, i'll have to step up my game now :P

Game on, bro! 8)

I've made a few tweaks and colored the capsule so you can see it's different from the standard one. Also adding the triple chute to the package. I'll be updating in a bit.

For those that like to hoist the Jolly Roger, I'm going to be commandeering.. err.. modding some other parts to include the symbol of pillage, plunder and pus... err women. Arrr Matey!


Capt'n Skunky

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Shader here.

May I just say thank you for putting this together as a pack, and for the way you named your pack? It made putting it in the Repository much less of a headache.

I be keepin' a weather eye on the horizon for de next update off ya Capt'n.


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Update to v0.5 is ready for downloading!!

New in this update:


- Added Mk1Pod retexture

- Added SAS Module retexture

- Added Radial Decoupler retexture

- Added Stack Decoupler retexture

- Added Winglet2 retexture



Capt'n Skunky

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  • 3 weeks later...

This pack isn't compatible with the latest version of the game. Well, the parts aren't.

However, you can take the texture file from the parts folders and copy them over the existing parts they are designed for replacing the defaults. Originally I had designed the pack to create it's own parts in the VAB, but since there are SO many mods out there, it makes the VAB parts too cluttered.

I will be releasing a new pack this comping week that will be designed to replace the textures only instead of actually adding new parts.


Capt'n Skunky

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However, you can take the texture file from the parts folders and copy them over the existing parts they are designed for replacing the defaults.

Yes, I wondered why they did not work at first but eventually worked out to just replace the textures.

I will be releasing a new pack this comping week that will be designed to replace the textures only instead of actually adding new parts.

Great news indeed. I agree that there are enough extra parts available but feel they need the pirate pack treatment to be finished. 8)


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  • 4 weeks later...

A quick update on my texture pack. I will be releasing a new set of packs over the weekend.

The biggest change will be that the packs will be texture replacements, not separate parts. The VAB is cluttered enough as it is.

The other main change will be the separation into multiple packs. I will release a matching pack for each of the major mod packs that exists (Wobbly, SIDR, C7, etc). This will allow you to overwrite the default textures of each mod with Jolly Roger themed textures based on what you have installed. You will need to make sure you have backups of the original textures or just use GME as it handles backing up replaced files. With GME, you activate a mod pack, then activate the matching Pirate Pack to replace that mods textures.

I'm getting the Vanilla pack together now and should have a download ready shortly.


Capt'n Skunky

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