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[WIP] Mining and Processing Extension [KIMP] resumed


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RE: 2nd phase - I LOVE the idea of a super large drill. All the smaller radial drills are all fine and well, but the idea of being able to ship up (or build on site via EPL) a huge drill with higher efficiency and larger output is awesome. Not so mention it saves on part count (vs. having 10 drills :P)

100% agreed!

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RE: 2nd phase - I LOVE the idea of a super large drill. All the smaller radial drills are all fine and well, but the idea of being able to ship up (or build on site via EPL) a huge drill with higher efficiency and larger output is awesome. Not so mention it saves on part count (vs. having 10 drills :P)

A karbonite -->water conversion seems a little too "handwavey magic" type of thing :P

As long as the refinery process is used in conjunction with an MKS base for example, purifying the waste water should keep losses to a minimum

yah, large drill will come eventually ;) for now i started work with detailed frame models which is consuming a lot of time but I think the effect will be worth it.

water conversion - agreed; water->waste water seems to be a good solution

also I plan all crushers/compactors to have switchable configuration mostly for aesthetics - horizontal and inline so they could be used nicely in rockets (i.e. asteroid mining or stationary planetary processing plant; they will all about 3.75m diameter).

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Hello! Great work so far :) Good to see the tracks getting put to good use too ;)

Can you make use of this:

It was something I messed around with just for fun, and it doesn't really do anything useful as it is right now other than look kinda cool, but maybe you can figure something out? If you're interested, I'm more than happy to hand over the code and POC model.

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Hello! Great work so far :) Good to see the tracks getting put to good use too ;)

Can you make use of this:

It was something I messed around with just for fun, and it doesn't really do anything useful as it is right now other than look kinda cool, but maybe you can figure something out? If you're interested, I'm more than happy to hand over the code and POC model.

Hey Lo-fi; this feature looks great! And your tracks are totally awesome; apart from the looks they are providing perfect stability and hauling capabilities. What I'm looking for now is nice 'rock' emmissive that you created for bulldozer (I need it for conveyor belt animation lol). Btw is there a way to test your newest 'tank-style' track? Also let me know if you want a sample frame part I develop for size testing.

As I'm absolute beginner I'm afraid I won't be able to make use of the rest of functionality at the moment :/

Also dunno if you still working on wheels / tracks but what I would like to see that could work perfectly with new frames etc would be medium and bigger-medium wheel for trucks that are much more damage-resistant and heavy-weight-hauling capable than current small wheels. So here's couple of ideas ;)


I imagine first wheel (on the left) would be only a bit bigger than current stock TR-2L (like the image on the left - semi road/semi-terrain thick wheel that is as fast as TR-2L but much more damage-proof (so it can carry heavier loads) at the expense of energy usage and wheel weight.

Second would be terrain only slightly bigger wheel (we lack medium wheel all terrain wheel; all we have is small and big at the moment). I imagine it would be slower than the first one, and have very large circle of turning but it would be capable of carrying extra heavy weights and almost indestructable). For comparison 4 inverted tracks are able to carry 1000t on the Mun so I imagine that those wheels (4 or 6 of them) would have similar performance :P

I imagine both wheels would have very small springs/dampeners movement so they would stick close to the frame like in real world.


In the end player would be able to construct something like this i.e.:

(medium wheels; sandvik supra)


or this (larger medium wheels; sandvik th680):


Edited by riocrokite
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I'll send it over, you can have a play around and see if it sparks any ideas. Don't let being a newbie put you off; we all started somewhere :)

I'm really busy trying to finish what I've already built, but have a look at my wheel modding tutorial - it's not really that hard to set wheels up, and you're obviously already producing models and rigging in Unity quite happily. The tweaks you're after are just config edits, but shout if you need a hand.

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Did 2 models of base vertical and horizontal frame (both can be stacked nicely). Thanks to mesh cheat I was able to achieve good resolution for stickers:

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nice feature is that when mount machinery or other stuff to the base frame you could see additional screws or reinforcements in it.

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I'll send it over, you can have a play around and see if it sparks any ideas. Don't let being a newbie put you off; we all started somewhere :)

I'm really busy trying to finish what I've already built, but have a look at my wheel modding tutorial - it's not really that hard to set wheels up, and you're obviously already producing models and rigging in Unity quite happily. The tweaks you're after are just config edits, but shout if you need a hand.

cheers mate :)

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The Rock emmisive on the bulldozer looks perfect. (Just too bad you cant use a bulldozer to actually level out terrain in game :P would be awesome for base building)

The textures on your first frame are coming along splendidly! <3 the attention to detail on the decals.

Out of curiosity will the vertical frames come separate from the horizontal slab? (Im assuming that you have a couple of nodes on the horizontal?) and that we can customize if we where we want tiers and how many stacks?

If the above paragraph made no sense ill draw a crude picture lol :P

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The Rock emmisive on the bulldozer looks perfect. (Just too bad you cant use a bulldozer to actually level out terrain in game :P would be awesome for base building)

The textures on your first frame are coming along splendidly! <3 the attention to detail on the decals.

Out of curiosity will the vertical frames come separate from the horizontal slab? (Im assuming that you have a couple of nodes on the horizontal?) and that we can customize if we where we want tiers and how many stacks?

If the above paragraph made no sense ill draw a crude picture lol :P

cheers, yah agreed lo-fi's rocks emmissive has a great potential :) i.e. conveyors but also mining drills and crushers :P

If I understand you correctly - no. Vertical and horizontal bar is single part at the moment. This part has 3 nodes and you can stack it using middle and bottom node. When (if) I learn how to use firespitter FSmeshSwitch module I might be able to do 2 variants with and without horizontal bar.


Generally I want the frame builds to be comprised from the smallest number of elements as possible since intended use would be to ride 13m/s+ (or with good wheels 23m/s) on a random planet with 500t-1000t cargo and machinery on board.

Also each horizontal frame will have a resonable LFO tank and battery inside to save on part count. This will also help to balance weight when inside fairing and lower center of mass. I've tried FSfuelswitch but there were too many issues with it, might come back to this idea later on.

Edited by riocrokite
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Thanks for the screenshot! Answered my questions =)

The integrated battery is always good! (saving part count is awesome) What about an RTG? enough at least to run the tracks or wheels, Or an integrated fuelcell which runs off said LFO tank, Would save the trouble of putting solar panels on.

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Thanks for the screenshot! Answered my questions =)

The integrated battery is always good! (saving part count is awesome) What about an RTG? enough at least to run the tracks or wheels, Or an integrated fuelcell which runs off said LFO tank, Would save the trouble of putting solar panels on.

yah, quite strong rtg with appropriate mass and price tag will be added to the front part along with remote guidance unit + I guess omni remote tech 2 antenna and maybe integrated lights. hopefully you could also attach a small cabin to it i.e. from RoverDude's exploration mod. Later on I plan manned variant with cabin but we will see what my skills and time will allow.

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The plugin is pretty simple, though currently tied to wheel colliders in the blade. That can easily be changed if you want to use it for physical effect on drill heads and the like, though. I think it would be rather cool having a little pile of rocks appearing :) it needs to be used with caution, though, as there is great potential to cause severe lag if you spawn too many!

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The plugin is pretty simple, though currently tied to wheel colliders in the blade. That can easily be changed if you want to use it for physical effect on drill heads and the like, though. I think it would be rather cool having a little pile of rocks appearing :) it needs to be used with caution, though, as there is great potential to cause severe lag if you spawn too many!

When I saw the sketches for conveyor systems I was thinking we could possibly use the rock spawner from the bulldozer to create real rolling and tumbling rocks to those conveyors for the duration that it would take for something to travel along the path, then despawn it at the end point. It'd be like an animation, but with that little bit of randomness that comes with physics interaction. As long as it cleans itself up on a regular basis, and limits the number of rocks spawned in a particular area, then slowdowns should be avoidable. In theory, anyway.

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I must say when I first saw this I was a little unsure how this was going too look and work, but seeing it now this looks great and i am really excited about it, already downloaded the frames, can't wait to see how the rest turns out.

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