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I wanted to make a massive station, A giant place with All docking port sizes, with rooms Kerbals can fly around in, and insane stocks of every resource. But, as it turns out, doing that is really hard....

The Hardest docking I've ever done:

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Trust me, it was MUCH more dramatic when I was actually doing it. It was about 10 minutes from the first picture of them both near each other to them both docked. And, this was the most fun I've had in KSP in a long time. Mainly because due to technical problems, I had to do everything manually. Very manually. I didn't get to use docking mode, I couldn't set the other station's docking port as a target, I couldn't control from my own docking port. And technically I could have done these things, but they didn't help. It was raw skill out there and it. was. awesome.

I'll be posting more as the station is expanded upon.

Edited by Itsjustrocketscience
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