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1MB Ship

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[WARNING] Do Not Attempt This Challenge If Your KSP is really laggy

Well, you know that ships in KSP are actually .craft files and they take up a few KB of space right?

My challenge is to make a ship where it's craft file takes a (at least) 1 MB of space.

Even a 100 KB craft lagged my KSP to 2fps, so, please try not to launch the craft(if you want to you can but i wont be held responsible for any damage caused)


1.Must be completely stock.

2.Can be built in VAB or SPH

3.All I need is a screenshot of the .craft file and its memory useage.

4.I do not need a screen shot of the actual craft in game, because its probably gonna bring KSP down to 0.01fps

5.No stolen craft

6.Have Fun:)

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Does it fly like in anime? :)

Only if you really want it to...

No really. I could probably make it fly, but only whackjob could handle the lag while making it. The VTOL trial and error would be horrifically slow. :) :)

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*summons Zekes*

I'm annoyed that I've got one sitting at a bit under 1000KB(960 to be exact). Damn my efficient constructions.

EDIT: *time travel summons Zekes*


EDIT: Here are my top ten heavy craft (that I released):


Top 5 (over 900KB)

Cira VI - Project "R" (2MB)


Wales Class Battlecruiser - 1MB


QEII Battleship (994KB)




Drek XXX (937KB)


Edited by zekes
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I never built a ship based on that specification checking my folder only one qualifies:

Its a lorry that was designed to mine kethane from minmus. Somehow ended up a 75 tonne (full) reuseable SSTO once landed on minmus.



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