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[1.10.1+] Contract Configurator [v1.30.5] [2020-10-05]


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Is there a way to indicate a vessel should have only parts from a certain manufacturer and / or author?

I would love to set up a contract where Professor Phineas Kerbenstein wants to show the world that the only way to space hegemony is via his vertical propulsion emporium and thereby requires satellite / mun base / whatever be created with only parts sanctioned by his empire :cool:

Neat idea, I like it! Right now the closest you could get is disallowing *specific* parts, which wouldn't work too well. Thinking about it has given me some ideas for how to handle it better, and I should be able to get it into my planned 0.5.0 roadmap. So wait a week or so and I'll have you covered. Some exciting stuff coming in 0.5.0... :)

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I have stumbled upon a very nasty bug that is triggered by approaching a previously unloaded vessel. As soon as the target vessel gets loaded at ~2.3km range, some massive nullref spam occurs in the debug log, the game hangs and crashes seconds thereafter. There are quite a few mods being mentioned in that error spam, but the only one it is reproducible with is contract configurator.

Now, I am running a heavily modded install and the problem lies with the interaction of some of those mods most likely. This is probably not sufficient information for you to diagnose the issue, but maybe you can give me some clues from the log, since this issue only occured after some time in the save (i have assembled parts of a space station without anything of the sort). Also I suck at interpreting logs :D

Running 64bit Ubuntu and 64bit KSP; player log below.


Thanks for any help in advance!

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I have stumbled upon a very nasty bug that is triggered by approaching a previously unloaded vessel. As soon as the target vessel gets loaded at ~2.3km range, some massive nullref spam occurs in the debug log, the game hangs and crashes seconds thereafter. There are quite a few mods being mentioned in that error spam, but the only one it is reproducible with is contract configurator.

Now, I am running a heavily modded install and the problem lies with the interaction of some of those mods most likely. This is probably not sufficient information for you to diagnose the issue, but maybe you can give me some clues from the log, since this issue only occured after some time in the save (i have assembled parts of a space station without anything of the sort). Also I suck at interpreting logs :D

Running 64bit Ubuntu and 64bit KSP; player log below.


Thanks for any help in advance!

There's a little bit to go on in the log, let me dig into it.

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Wonderful! Thank you so much! What was the issue?

It's a scenario I didn't test well enough - I didn't realize that KSP fires the OnPartJoin event when loading a craft (ie. it's actually building it part by part on the fly). Because I was only expecting to see this when two craft dock, I made... bad assumptions. I'll blame the lack of documentation for the KSP API. :)

- - - Updated - - -

Version 0.4.5 is out, with a fix to a NullRef :( issue on vessel load. Download it now!

Contract Configurator 0.4.5

- Fixed NullRef issue when approaching another vessel (thanks Tellion).

Edited by nightingale
KSP-AVC didn't like 0.4.4 - made 0.4.5
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Having some trouble, maybe someone can help.

I'm trying to make a contract to simply orbit a satellite - and it's not showing up as an available contract.

I know the mod is loaded, as I made another test contract (just to reach 10k feet) which shows up correctly.

Here's what I have:


name = FirstOrbitalSatellite
title = Launch the first orbital Satellite
description = Place a satellite into orbit around Kerbin. This will be a significant 'first' in our conquest of outer space!
synopsis = Put a satellite in orbit.
completedMessage = Success! We have placed the first artificial satellite in orbit around Kerbin!
cancellable = false
declinable = false
prestige = Exceptional
targetBody = Kerbin
maxCompletions = 1
maxSimultaneous = 1
rewardScience = 50
rewardReputation = 20
rewardFunder = 100000
failureReputation = 10
failurefunds = 10000
advanceFunds = 10000
weight = 10.0

name = HasPassengers
type = HasPassengers
minPassengers = 0
maxPassengers = 0
name = Orbit1
type = Orbit

// Target celestial body. Defaults to the targetBody of the contract.
targetBody = Kerbin


Any insight as to what I'm doing wrong?

I can't get it to show up without the passenger block either.

I've also performed some basic troublehsooting - new career, load existing career, play through fresh career a bit and finish the basic default contracts, disable the default contracts, so on and so on.

Edited by tjsnh
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Having some trouble, maybe someone can help.

I'm trying to make a contract to simply orbit a satellite - and it's not showing up as an available contract.

I know the mod is loaded, as I made another test contract (just to reach 10k feet) which shows up correctly.

Here's what I have:


Any insight as to what I'm doing wrong?

I can't get it to show up without the passenger block either.

I've also performed some basic troublehsooting - new career, load existing career, play through fresh career a bit and finish the basic default contracts, disable the default contracts, so on and so on.

I see two possibilities:

  1. Be careful with the prestige = Exceptional for a starting contract. It's *probably* okay, but I've had issues where on a starting game your reputation is too low to get any Exceptional contracts if you have other contract types that fill up the list with Trivial/Significant ones.
  2. Are you sure you wanted to use the Orbit REQUIREMENT?

From the documentation on REQUIREMENT:

The REQUIREMENT node defines a contract requirement - the pre-requisites that are required for the contract to be offered.

In other words, what you are saying is "do not offer this contract until the player has successfully orbited Kerbin". I suspect that you want something closer to this:


name = FirstOrbitalSatellite
title = Launch the first orbital Satellite
description = Place a satellite into orbit around Kerbin. This will be a significant 'first' in our conquest of outer space!
synopsis = Put a satellite in orbit.
completedMessage = Success! We have placed the first artificial satellite in orbit around Kerbin!
cancellable = false
declinable = false
prestige = Exceptional
targetBody = Kerbin
maxCompletions = 1
maxSimultaneous = 1
rewardScience = 50
rewardReputation = 20
rewardFunder = 100000
failureReputation = 10
failurefunds = 10000
advanceFunds = 10000
weight = 10.0

name = OrbitPeriapsis
type = OrbitPeriapsis

// Target body, defaulted from the contract if not supplied.
targetBody = Kerbin

// Minimum periapsis in meters.
// Default = 0
minPeA = 70000

// Text to use for the parameter
// Default Periapsis: Between <min> and <max>
//title =

See the OrbitPeriapsis parameter for more info. There are a number of other orbital parameters you can use there. *Or* if you wanted a Fine Print style "reach a *very* specific" orbit, then look to the OrbitGenerator behaviour, paired with a ReachSpecificOrbit parameter.

Oh, and you need at least one parameter for your contract - that's probably why it wasn't working without the HasPassengers before - check the debug log (Alt-F12) for error messages.

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Excellent, thanks - that makes a lot more sense. (the fix you posted works pefectly)

(I _JUST_ started playing with this mod today - it has amazing potential!!!)

- - - Updated - - -

Ok, next noob question.

I'm having trouble getting a contract to recognize I have a crew member. The following parameter section, to place a kerbal in orbit

name = VesselParameterGroup2
type = VesselParameterGroup
name = HasCrew2
type = HasCrew
minCrew = 1
maxCrew = 2
name = OrbitPeriapsis2
type = OrbitPeriapsis
targetBody = Kerbin
minPeA = 70000


On launching, it doesn't recognize that my pod has a crew member (no green circle), and additionally it shows my craft has having no crew for a different contract.

I've tried lauching a regular rocket mission as well as just a crew pod and nothing else. Same results.


Edited by tjsnh
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Ok, next noob question.

I'm having trouble getting a contract to recognize I have a crew member. The following parameter section, to place a kerbal in orbit

name = VesselParameterGroup2
type = VesselParameterGroup
name = HasCrew2
type = HasCrew
minCrew = 1
maxCrew = 2
name = OrbitPeriapsis2
type = OrbitPeriapsis
targetBody = Kerbin
minPeA = 70000


On launching, it doesn't recognize that my pod has a crew member (no green circle), and additionally it shows my craft has having no crew for a different contract.

I've tried lauching a regular rocket mission as well as just a crew pod and nothing else. Same results.


I think I see a bug from when I added the experience/trait filters. Can you add trait = Pilot and let me know if that works (obviously you'll need a Pilot and not an Engineer/Scientist...). If that's the issue I'll fix this in the 0.5.0 release - should be out in the next few days.

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I think I see a bug from when I added the experience/trait filters. Can you add trait = Pilot and let me know if that works (obviously you'll need a Pilot and not an Engineer/Scientist...). If that's the issue I'll fix this in the 0.5.0 release - should be out in the next few days.

I tried trait = pilot in addition to, and instead of, the min/max values.

Same results. The game DOES correctly detect the presence of a pilot, and without the crew min/max values the contract "works" correctly - BUT it still fulfills the "unmanned" requirement in other contracts at the same time.

- - - Updated - - -

For context to the above, here is my entire cfg file :


name = FirstOrbitalSatellite
title = Launch the first orbital Satellite
description = Place a satellite into orbit around Kerbin. This will be a significant 'first' in our conquest of outer space!
synopsis = Put a satellite in orbit.
completedMessage = Success! We have placed the first artificial satellite in orbit around Kerbin!
cancellable = false
declinable = false
prestige = Significant
targetBody = Kerbin
maxCompletions = 1
maxSimultaneous = 1
rewardScience = 50
rewardReputation = 20
rewardFunds = 50000
failureReputation = 10
failurefunds = 10000
advanceFunds = 10000
weight = 10.0
name = VesselParameterGroup1
type = VesselParameterGroup
name = HasCrew1
type = HasCrew
maxCrew = 0
minCrew = 0
name = EnterOrbit1
type = EnterOrbit
targetBody = Kerbin


name = FirstMannedOrbital
title = Launch a Kerbal into orbit.
description = The next step on our race to the stars is to achieve orbit with a manned mission. Place a lone Kerbal in a stable
orbit, we're all counting on you!
synopsis = Put Kerbal in orbit.
completedMessage = Success! We have placed the first Kerbal in orbit around Kerbin!
cancellable = false
declinable = false
prestige = Significant
targetBody = Kerbin
maxCompletions = 1
maxSimultaneous = 1
rewardScience = 50
rewardReputation = 20
rewardFunds = 150000
failureReputation = 10
failurefunds = 10000
advanceFunds = 10000
weight = 10.0
name = VesselParameterGroup2
type = VesselParameterGroup
name = HasCrew2
type = HasCrew
trait = Pilot
minCrew = 1
name = EnterOrbit2
type = EnterOrbit
// This can be inherited from the the contract type if necessary
targetBody = Kerbin

Eventually I'll add a requirement to the manned orbital contract to have left the atmosphere, and to return the mission safely to the ground, but I want to master the correct setting of objectives before I start on pre-req requirements.

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I tried trait = pilot in addition to, and instead of, the min/max values.

Same results. The game DOES correctly detect the presence of a pilot, and without the crew min/max values the contract "works" correctly - BUT it still fulfills the "unmanned" requirement in other contracts at the same time.

- - - Updated - - -

For context to the above, here is my entire cfg file :


name = FirstOrbitalSatellite
title = Launch the first orbital Satellite
description = Place a satellite into orbit around Kerbin. This will be a significant 'first' in our conquest of outer space!
synopsis = Put a satellite in orbit.
completedMessage = Success! We have placed the first artificial satellite in orbit around Kerbin!
cancellable = false
declinable = false
prestige = Significant
targetBody = Kerbin
maxCompletions = 1
maxSimultaneous = 1
rewardScience = 50
rewardReputation = 20
rewardFunds = 50000
failureReputation = 10
failurefunds = 10000
advanceFunds = 10000
weight = 10.0
name = VesselParameterGroup1
type = VesselParameterGroup
name = HasCrew1
type = HasCrew
maxCrew = 0
minCrew = 0
name = EnterOrbit1
type = EnterOrbit
targetBody = Kerbin


name = FirstMannedOrbital
title = Launch a Kerbal into orbit.
description = The next step on our race to the stars is to achieve orbit with a manned mission. Place a lone Kerbal in a stable
orbit, we're all counting on you!
synopsis = Put Kerbal in orbit.
completedMessage = Success! We have placed the first Kerbal in orbit around Kerbin!
cancellable = false
declinable = false
prestige = Significant
targetBody = Kerbin
maxCompletions = 1
maxSimultaneous = 1
rewardScience = 50
rewardReputation = 20
rewardFunds = 150000
failureReputation = 10
failurefunds = 10000
advanceFunds = 10000
weight = 10.0
name = VesselParameterGroup2
type = VesselParameterGroup
name = HasCrew2
type = HasCrew
trait = Pilot
minCrew = 1
name = EnterOrbit2
type = EnterOrbit
// This can be inherited from the the contract type if necessary
targetBody = Kerbin

Eventually I'll add a requirement to the manned orbital contract to have left the atmosphere, and to return the mission safely to the ground, but I want to master the correct setting of objectives before I start on pre-req requirements.

Yup, confirmed as a bug. If you don't provide trait it'll assume a "blank" trait. Since you have zero Kerbals with a "blank" trait, it considers it unmanned. Fix for both sides of the issue you described will get released in 0.5.0 - you okay waiting a couple days ?

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Yup, confirmed as a bug. If you don't provide trait it'll assume a "blank" trait. Since you have zero Kerbals with a "blank" trait, it considers it unmanned. Fix for both sides of the issue you described will get released in 0.5.0 - you okay waiting a couple days ?


As silly as it sounds - I feel a little better knowing it was an actual bug, and not just my own idiocy. ;-) (Having worked in IT for 15 years, I usually assume it's my own "user error" before I suspect a bug in the code)

Glad I could contribute to helping find a problem. I'll check back in a day or two looking for the 5.0 update!

- - - Updated - - -

Ok, might be something new;

I've started getting a bunch of errors (in the debug log) and am not able to stage into (or manually activate) any decouplers.

[Exception]: NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object

This started happening after I added a bunch of new exploration contracts (sending probes into SOI of other planets, etc - nothing relating to part testing or anything like that).

My entire CFG is pasted in the spoiler. Is this a known issue, or might something odd be happening?



// disabledContractType = AltitudeRecord

// disabledContractType = ARMContract

// disabledContractType = BaseContract

// disabledContractType = CollectScience

// disabledContractType = ExploreBody

// disabledContractType = FirstLaunch

// disabledContractType = GrandTour

// disabledContractType = ISRUContract

disabledContractType = OrbitKerbin

// disabledContractType = PartTest

// disabledContractType = PlantFlag

// disabledContractType = ReachSpace

disabledContractType = RescueKerbal

// disabledContractType = SatelliteContract

// disabledContractType = StationContract

// disabledContractType = SurveyContract



name = FirstOrbitalSatellite

title = Launch the first orbital Satellite

description = Place a satellite into orbit around Kerbin. This will be a significant 'first' in our conquest of outer space!

synopsis = Put a satellite in orbit.

completedMessage = Success! We have placed the first artificial satellite in orbit around Kerbin!

agent = OKB-1

cancellable = false

declinable = false

prestige = Significant

targetBody = Kerbin

maxCompletions = 1

maxSimultaneous = 1

rewardScience = 50

rewardReputation = 20

rewardFunds = 50000

failureReputation = 10

failurefunds = 10000

advanceFunds = 10000

weight = 10.0



name = VesselParameterGroup1

type = VesselParameterGroup



name = HasCrew1

type = HasCrew

maxCrew = 0

minCrew = 0




name = EnterOrbit1

type = EnterOrbit

// This can be inherited from the the contract type if necessary

targetBody = Kerbin






name = FirstMannedOrbital

title = Launch a Kerbal into orbit.

description = The next step on our race to the stars is to achieve orbit with a manned mission. Place a lone Kerbal in a stable orbit, we're all counting on you!

synopsis = Put Kerbal in orbit.

completedMessage = Success! We have placed the first Kerbal in orbit around Kerbin!

agent = OKB-1

cancellable = false

declinable = false

prestige = Significant

targetBody = Kerbin

maxCompletions = 1

maxSimultaneous = 1

rewardScience = 50

rewardReputation = 20

rewardFunds = 150000

failureReputation = 10

failurefunds = 10000

advanceFunds = 10000

weight = 10.0



name = VesselParameterGroup2

type = VesselParameterGroup



name = HasCrew2

type = HasCrew

trait = Pilot

minCrew = 1




name = EnterOrbit2

type = EnterOrbit

// This can be inherited from the the contract type if necessary

targetBody = Kerbin






name = FirstMunarFlyby

title = Launch a Kerbal around the Mun.

description = Our next goal is to launch a live Kerbal around the Mun, and return him safely to Kerbin. Make this happen, and we'll score big!

synopsis = Send a Kerbal around the Mun.

completedMessage = Success! We have returned a Kerbal to the ground after launching around the Mun!

agent = OKB-1

cancellable = false

declinable = false

prestige = Significant

targetBody = Kerbin

maxCompletions = 1

maxSimultaneous = 1

rewardScience = 50

rewardReputation = 20

rewardFunds = 150000

failureReputation = 10

failurefunds = 10000

advanceFunds = 10000

weight = 10.0



name = VesselParameterGroup3

type = VesselParameterGroup



name = HasCrew3

type = HasCrew

trait = Pilot

minCrew = 1




name = EnterSOI3

type = EnterSOI

targetBody = Mun




name = ReturnHome3

type = ReturnHome






name = FirstPlanetaryFlyby

title = Launch a Kerbal to another planet.

description = We have reached the point where we are ready to start exploring the rest of the Kerbin system. Send a Kerbal on a return-trip to space near any other planet in the solar system, and bring him back to Kerbin safely.

synopsis = Send a Kerbal to another planet.

completedMessage = Success! We have returned a Kerbal to the ground after visiting space near another planet!

agent = OKB-1

cancellable = false

declinable = false

prestige = Significant

targetBody = Kerbin

maxCompletions = 1

maxSimultaneous = 1

rewardScience = 50

rewardReputation = 20

rewardFunds = 150000

failureReputation = 10

failurefunds = 10000

advanceFunds = 10000

weight = 10.0



name = VesselParameterGroup4

type = VesselParameterGroup



name = HasCrew4

type = HasCrew

trait = Pilot

minCrew = 1




name = Any4

type = Any



name = EnterSOI4001

type = EnterSOI

targetBody = Duna




name = EnterSOI4002

type = EnterSOI

targetBody = Eve




name = EnterSOI4003

type = EnterSOI

targetBody = Dres




name = EnterSOI4004

type = EnterSOI

targetBody = Jool




name = EnterSOI4005

type = EnterSOI

targetBody = Moho




name = EnterSOI4006

type = EnterSOI

targetBody = Eeloo





name = ReturnHome4

type = ReturnHome






name = FirstPlanetaryProbe

title = Launch a probe to another planet.

description = Our science has reached an advanced enough state where we can start launching interplanetary probes! Send a probe to space near another planet!

completedMessage = Success! We have launched a probe to space near another planet!

agent = OKB-1

cancellable = false

declinable = false

prestige = Significant

targetBody = Kerbin

maxCompletions = 1

maxSimultaneous = 1

rewardScience = 50

rewardReputation = 20

rewardFunds = 150000

failureReputation = 10

failurefunds = 10000

advanceFunds = 10000

weight = 10.0



name = VesselParameterGroup5

type = VesselParameterGroup



name = HasCrew5

type = HasCrew

minCrew = 0

maxCrew = 0




name = Any5

type = Any



name = EnterSOI5001

type = EnterSOI

targetBody = Duna




name = EnterSOI5002

type = EnterSOI

targetBody = Eve




name = EnterSOI5003

type = EnterSOI

targetBody = Dres




name = EnterSOI5004

type = EnterSOI

targetBody = Jool




name = EnterSOI5005

type = EnterSOI

targetBody = Moho




name = EnterSOI5006

type = EnterSOI

targetBody = Eeloo





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As silly as it sounds - I feel a little better knowing it was an actual bug, and not just my own idiocy. ;-) (Having worked in IT for 15 years, I usually assume it's my own "user error" before I suspect a bug in the code)

Glad I could contribute to helping find a problem. I'll check back in a day or two looking for the 5.0 update!

- - - Updated - - -

Ok, might be something new;

I've started getting a bunch of errors (in the debug log) and am not able to stage into (or manually activate) any decouplers.

[Exception]: NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object

This started happening after I added a bunch of new exploration contracts (sending probes into SOI of other planets, etc - nothing relating to part testing or anything like that).

My entire CFG is pasted in the spoiler. Is this a known issue, or might something odd be happening?



// disabledContractType = AltitudeRecord

// disabledContractType = ARMContract

// disabledContractType = BaseContract

// disabledContractType = CollectScience

// disabledContractType = ExploreBody

// disabledContractType = FirstLaunch

// disabledContractType = GrandTour

// disabledContractType = ISRUContract

disabledContractType = OrbitKerbin

// disabledContractType = PartTest

// disabledContractType = PlantFlag

// disabledContractType = ReachSpace

disabledContractType = RescueKerbal

// disabledContractType = SatelliteContract

// disabledContractType = StationContract

// disabledContractType = SurveyContract



name = FirstOrbitalSatellite

title = Launch the first orbital Satellite

description = Place a satellite into orbit around Kerbin. This will be a significant 'first' in our conquest of outer space!

synopsis = Put a satellite in orbit.

completedMessage = Success! We have placed the first artificial satellite in orbit around Kerbin!

agent = OKB-1

cancellable = false

declinable = false

prestige = Significant

targetBody = Kerbin

maxCompletions = 1

maxSimultaneous = 1

rewardScience = 50

rewardReputation = 20

rewardFunds = 50000

failureReputation = 10

failurefunds = 10000

advanceFunds = 10000

weight = 10.0



name = VesselParameterGroup1

type = VesselParameterGroup



name = HasCrew1

type = HasCrew

maxCrew = 0

minCrew = 0




name = EnterOrbit1

type = EnterOrbit

// This can be inherited from the the contract type if necessary

targetBody = Kerbin






name = FirstMannedOrbital

title = Launch a Kerbal into orbit.

description = The next step on our race to the stars is to achieve orbit with a manned mission. Place a lone Kerbal in a stable orbit, we're all counting on you!

synopsis = Put Kerbal in orbit.

completedMessage = Success! We have placed the first Kerbal in orbit around Kerbin!

agent = OKB-1

cancellable = false

declinable = false

prestige = Significant

targetBody = Kerbin

maxCompletions = 1

maxSimultaneous = 1

rewardScience = 50

rewardReputation = 20

rewardFunds = 150000

failureReputation = 10

failurefunds = 10000

advanceFunds = 10000

weight = 10.0



name = VesselParameterGroup2

type = VesselParameterGroup



name = HasCrew2

type = HasCrew

trait = Pilot

minCrew = 1




name = EnterOrbit2

type = EnterOrbit

// This can be inherited from the the contract type if necessary

targetBody = Kerbin






name = FirstMunarFlyby

title = Launch a Kerbal around the Mun.

description = Our next goal is to launch a live Kerbal around the Mun, and return him safely to Kerbin. Make this happen, and we'll score big!

synopsis = Send a Kerbal around the Mun.

completedMessage = Success! We have returned a Kerbal to the ground after launching around the Mun!

agent = OKB-1

cancellable = false

declinable = false

prestige = Significant

targetBody = Kerbin

maxCompletions = 1

maxSimultaneous = 1

rewardScience = 50

rewardReputation = 20

rewardFunds = 150000

failureReputation = 10

failurefunds = 10000

advanceFunds = 10000

weight = 10.0



name = VesselParameterGroup3

type = VesselParameterGroup



name = HasCrew3

type = HasCrew

trait = Pilot

minCrew = 1




name = EnterSOI3

type = EnterSOI

targetBody = Mun




name = ReturnHome3

type = ReturnHome






name = FirstPlanetaryFlyby

title = Launch a Kerbal to another planet.

description = We have reached the point where we are ready to start exploring the rest of the Kerbin system. Send a Kerbal on a return-trip to space near any other planet in the solar system, and bring him back to Kerbin safely.

synopsis = Send a Kerbal to another planet.

completedMessage = Success! We have returned a Kerbal to the ground after visiting space near another planet!

agent = OKB-1

cancellable = false

declinable = false

prestige = Significant

targetBody = Kerbin

maxCompletions = 1

maxSimultaneous = 1

rewardScience = 50

rewardReputation = 20

rewardFunds = 150000

failureReputation = 10

failurefunds = 10000

advanceFunds = 10000

weight = 10.0



name = VesselParameterGroup4

type = VesselParameterGroup



name = HasCrew4

type = HasCrew

trait = Pilot

minCrew = 1




name = Any4

type = Any



name = EnterSOI4001

type = EnterSOI

targetBody = Duna




name = EnterSOI4002

type = EnterSOI

targetBody = Eve




name = EnterSOI4003

type = EnterSOI

targetBody = Dres




name = EnterSOI4004

type = EnterSOI

targetBody = Jool




name = EnterSOI4005

type = EnterSOI

targetBody = Moho




name = EnterSOI4006

type = EnterSOI

targetBody = Eeloo





name = ReturnHome4

type = ReturnHome






name = FirstPlanetaryProbe

title = Launch a probe to another planet.

description = Our science has reached an advanced enough state where we can start launching interplanetary probes! Send a probe to space near another planet!

completedMessage = Success! We have launched a probe to space near another planet!

agent = OKB-1

cancellable = false

declinable = false

prestige = Significant

targetBody = Kerbin

maxCompletions = 1

maxSimultaneous = 1

rewardScience = 50

rewardReputation = 20

rewardFunds = 150000

failureReputation = 10

failurefunds = 10000

advanceFunds = 10000

weight = 10.0



name = VesselParameterGroup5

type = VesselParameterGroup



name = HasCrew5

type = HasCrew

minCrew = 0

maxCrew = 0




name = Any5

type = Any



name = EnterSOI5001

type = EnterSOI

targetBody = Duna




name = EnterSOI5002

type = EnterSOI

targetBody = Eve




name = EnterSOI5003

type = EnterSOI

targetBody = Dres




name = EnterSOI5004

type = EnterSOI

targetBody = Jool




name = EnterSOI5005

type = EnterSOI

targetBody = Moho




name = EnterSOI5006

type = EnterSOI

targetBody = Eeloo





Not a known issue, but perhaps an unknown one? Can you give me the KSP.log file (or the NullReference exception with the stack trace from that file)? That will help me confirm that ContractConfigurator is indeed the issue, and what part of your contract is causing it.

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Not a known issue, but perhaps an unknown one? Can you give me the KSP.log file (or the NullReference exception with the stack trace from that file)? That will help me confirm that ContractConfigurator is indeed the issue, and what part of your contract is causing it.

I unloaded all mods, loaded KSP stock, launched a generic rocket, re-installed my mods, launched KSP, and everything seems fine now .... *shrug*

I'll keep an eye out for this, and post logs if it happens again.

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So I've got a bit of a versioning question.

I've currently got 0.4.4 installed and KSP-AVC has informed me a newer version. Great! So I've come along the forums and sure enough, there is 0.4.5 ready and waiting :)

However, CKAN isn't showing this version yet (I don't know if this is something that needs updating by yourself nightingale or the CKAN devs. I thought it was automagic!) and am even more confused when I head the GitHub page and the release notes are up to 0.5.0 :confused:

So what is the actual version and the best way to go about grabbing it? OP? CKAN? GitGub?


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CKAN would be your best bet. There seems to be an error in the netkan file for this tough. I'll have a look at it.

Executing: mono --debug netkan.exe NetKAN/NetKAN/ContractConfigurator.netkan yadda yadda yadda

Unhandled Exception:
Newtonsoft.Json.JsonReaderException: Invalid property identifier character: #. Path 'identifier', line 4, position 5.
at Newtonsoft.Json.JsonTextReader.ParseProperty () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at Newtonsoft.Json.JsonTextReader.ParseObject () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at Newtonsoft.Json.JsonTextReader.ReadInternal () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0


Issue found, while the release has been created on github, there is no actual zip file attached to it. I'll notify jrosssignal per PM as well.

Edited by hakan
issue found
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So I've got a bit of a versioning question.

I've currently got 0.4.4 installed and KSP-AVC has informed me a newer version. Great! So I've come along the forums and sure enough, there is 0.4.5 ready and waiting :)

However, CKAN isn't showing this version yet (I don't know if this is something that needs updating by yourself nightingale or the CKAN devs. I thought it was automagic!) and am even more confused when I head the GitHub page and the release notes are up to 0.5.0 :confused:

So what is the actual version and the best way to go about grabbing it? OP? CKAN? GitGub?


CKAN would be your best bet. There seems to be an error in the netkan file for this tough. I'll have a look at it.

Executing: mono --debug netkan.exe NetKAN/NetKAN/ContractConfigurator.netkan yadda yadda yadda

Unhandled Exception:
Newtonsoft.Json.JsonReaderException: Invalid property identifier character: #. Path 'identifier', line 4, position 5.
at Newtonsoft.Json.JsonTextReader.ParseProperty () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at Newtonsoft.Json.JsonTextReader.ParseObject () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at Newtonsoft.Json.JsonTextReader.ReadInternal () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0


Issue found, while the release has been created on github, there is no actual zip file attached to it. I'll notify jrosssignal per PM as well.

Sorry about all that! I dragged and dropped the wrong file, silly mistake. If you grabbed 0.4.4 from CKAN, you would be up to date anyway - 0.4.5 was a repackage because I messed up the ksp-avc file (overall this wasn't my finest release).

Oh and yeah, the CHANGES.txt on github gets updated as I go.... so you get a bit of a look ahead if you check there. ;) 0.5.0 will be soon.... next couple days, most likely.

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Excellent, thank you. Now the netkan file gets inflated correctly on my local machine, which means that the robot should pick up 0.4.5 pretty soon(-ish)

One of the best things about CKAN for me is a modder is that you guys will tell me when my release is broken. :D

Thanks for all the hard work!

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