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Kerbin 2150 - Eskape from the blue planet


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This is supposed to be a narrative project, it is based on real world space-race history and the Earth 2150 game trilogy.

Since I'm not a native speaker you can expect a lot of horrible grammar and spelling errors, i hope you enjoy this project anyway.

16th century - Kinese Empire - Kan Kerman

In 16th century, the kinese rocketry was the most developed on Kerbin. Out of the many war engineers, chemists, philosophers and

snack merchants, one Kerbal stood out: Kan Kerman. Being a kinese official he had nothing better to do, then trying to reach to space.

His brave sacrifice, should define the soul of the Kerbals for centuries. Even 300 years later there are two main traits needed to be a

kerbonaut: courage and stupidity...

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