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New engines to fit between current engines.

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The amount of engines in KSP offers good combinations of thrusts to suit your ships needs, however I feel some gaps should be filled with a few new engines. Currently thrust limiter is available but does not change weight or isp.

I've came up with a few;

1. 100kN 1.25m engine.

Fits between LV909 and LV-T range.


310-380 isp

2. 50 or 100kN SRB.

200-220 isp

Burn time: ~ 20-25s

3. 1000-1200kN 2.5m engine to fit between Skipper and Mainsail


320-365 isp

4. 800-1000kN Upper stage 3.5m engine


310-390 isp

Just an idea :)

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