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[Plugin] [Part] [v.17] KIS KSylon Hybrid Rocket [17Oct12] [GPL/MIT]


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Getting very close to something fully functional now. Still have to figure out why the resource system is only reporting half the fuel it\'s actually burning, and messing up my thrust ratio.

Recalculated engine parameters by volume, not mass flow, and it\'s almost perfectly inline with calculated and observed stock rocket/tank fuel burn now. Not setup yet to handle air ram/LOX switching. Going to need single fuel LH2 tanks for atmospheric mode as well. The module tank and engine can actually handle an arbitrary number of resources, it\'s just setup as dual chamber at the moment.

If you look closely at the GUI\'s, there are no actual FuelTanks or Engines on this bird. The stack icons are a lie:

Edited by kellven
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  • 2 weeks later...

Completely recoded the fuel matrix four times, moved the } in the tank code that was causing the fuel box bug, recoded the persistent storage locker again, and rebalanced the engine specs again so they\'re actually matched to the LV-T30 for real this time. Also moved most non-plugin specific stuff into extension methods.

This is actually in a flyable state now, tested a quick orbital launch with identical results to stock equipment:



Did I mention that is completely custom coding for everything?

I finally settled on using:

public Dictionary<Guid, Dictionary<int, Dictionary<int, List<PartResource>>>> KMasterResMx { get; private set; }

To store the valid resource tanks. I will need to change that yet again when I move on to stage 2 of my sinister plan, but I want to get this working again, and it will shortly be possible to burn through fuel in stock tanks, and resource 'tanks' automagically, without any extra hoops to jump through.

Edited by kellven
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  • 1 month later...

Bump for repackaging properly. No other changes made, except removal of version number in VAB, and recompilation.

Proper 'even-draw' MuMech VariableTank (fuel tanks) proving problematic. I forgot about an old old 'feature' of r4m0n\'s engine code that only looks for stock 'FuelTanks' when dealing with stock 'fuel' requests.

The problem lies in the stock tanks, which as of 0.15x, automatically use the stack draining rules instead of draining that particular tank when directly told to burn fuel. The difficulty is that r4m0n has tanks which still function properly, but they aren\'t considered when an engine is asking for stock 'fuel', and that feature is in the actual engine code, which requires a rewrite/release of the VariableEngine class, which would require parts to be assigned a different class individually(part.cfg). Fustration.

Happy Summer Moddings.


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  • 3 months later...
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