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Better/Quicker strut placement..

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Struts are awesome. Struts can make a floppy-mess of a rocket/plane into taught steel arrow. (Regardless of whether that steel was found lying on the side of the road.) But struts are a pain to place.

Currently, if you're strutting in a tight spot (such as between your main booster and a radial booster), you zoom in to the main tank, place the strut-beginning, turn the camera 180 degrees, zoom and pan so you have an appropriate view of the radial tank (which is the time-consuming part), and place the strut-end. ..If you're putting on more struts (which I usually do), then you turn the camera 180 degrees and zoom and pan (again!) to get back to the main tank and repeat the process.

What if you could place the strut-beginning, hold down a modifier key (alt/shift/control) and click, and the strut will just extend out and attach to the first thing it hits? Completely strutting those radial boosters could just be a quick three or four clicks without having to rotate the camera at all!

If you want the strut to go out at an angle, you can alter the angle of the strut-beginning with shift+WASD like you normally would. Otherwise it would just extend out perpendicular to the surface it's on, if you use the modifier key. (Kind of like what struts do now (sometimes) when you copy them.) ..Just think how tidy those rows of struts between those tanks could be! (OCD-builder's *sigh*)

Possibly, depending on where your pointer is when alt/shift/control clicking, it could extend out at 90 degrees, or at 45 degrees if you move the pointer out to one side of the strut-beginning. {shrugs} Just thinking of enhancements to the enhancement. :)

(Apologies if this has been suggested before. I did a search and couldn't find it. And I figure, now the building-phase has been revamped, and the code largely refreshed (and I noted the strut code significantly updated) ..I figure this would be a good time to suggest a way to simplify strut placement.)

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