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All SRB Mun Landing

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Would RCS be allowed? If so, it would seem like the trickiest part is the landing, the rest being a matter of thrust limiting in design. Without RCS....well, I still think its doable, albeit with more difficult aiming. I would also imagine you need liberal use of Separatrons to not splatter while landing, but the liftoff would be simple: an RT-10 strapped to your capsule gives you 3k or so dV, which is vastly more than needed to get off the Mun and plunge back to Kerbin.

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Manley did it, and also whoever that Russian guy from somethingawful was who did all kinds of goofy stunts back around 0.17. That guy.

Had to do all kinds of odd spirals over the Mun's surface to let some extra fuel burn off in his landing SRB to get the timing right.

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I'm guessing that you didn't see a certain part of Kerbalcon?

apparently some did a full duna land return mission with only srbs and no rcs. I only saw the return though

edit: thought that might have easier to land because of atmosphere

Edited by Kurbis
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