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DMagic Orbital Science equipment not rewarding science, or even working

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A lot of the objects in the Dmagic mod visually work, like solar particle collectors and magnometers, but none of them prompt with "keep" or "transmit" data UI when used. Also the kuarq (DAMN THAT SPELLING) experiments just work until I close the 'Right click' menu (that shows info on the object).. As soon as I click away, in any amount of time if I click back it's no longer functioning. I downloaded a load of mods today and I don't know 100% if I read in the Dmagic post or somewhere else, that some experiments don't work below a 250km orbit, so you should make your whole orbit above that altitude, well I've done that and it's still not working.

I was expecting lots more science to do, but right now the new scientific instruments in game are virtually useless. I hope I'm wrong, hence why I posted this. I look forward to your replies, anyway

Other mods i installed today;

Tarsier Space tech


Near future propulsion/spacecraft & props

The near future mod appears to work ok, though I was underwhelmed at the engine withhighest thrust out of all the new items in said mod.. 80.0 Thrust.

Can't hurt if anyone has good mod recommendations, thanks :)

- Imad

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Not sure what your asking, but it sounds like you might have installed them incorrectly? Check your folder structure (There should not be a GameData inside a GameData) also make sure you have the Resources folder from Dmagic.

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