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Greetings Kerbonauts! I happen to be interested in purchasing Kerbal Space Program on Steam. I happen to know not how Steam works or why I wish to purchase it through this median. So bear with my ignorance (or assist me if possible). I am not sure whether my computer is capable of running KSP well, though I have downloaded the demo on Steam and directly onto my OS. Here are my computer specifications:

Ubuntu 14.04 dual-booted with Windows8

(Refuse to do anything on W8; it's terrible (that is an opinion)

Intel® Core i3-2348M CPU @ 2.30GHz (2 cores)


30 GB Swap (Used 500MB max L.O.L.)

300 GB Partition (approx)

I shall be awaiting your responses. Merci!

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Buy it. I have an old, underpowered, PC that didn't even meet the system requirements when I downloaded the demo just to see if "it would work anyway". It still works pretty well, although there are Unity-engine memory leak problems in 32-bit and the 64-bit version is very unstable.

Steam? I have no idea. I hate the Steam's intrusiveness (on the 1 of 400 games I have) and it adds nothing for me, so unless KSP's a lot cheaper there I'd get it from the Squad site.

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Unlike most Steam linked games, you can copy KSP from the Steam folder to another location and run it from there. Use Steam for the updates and then copy the updated program to another location to run it. Steam has the advantage of fast downloading of the program and the updates.

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