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Quesitons on new upcoming 0.90 BETA

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Hello there,

So i heared news that upcoming update will be .90 beta than ever.

The last update was .25, and looking entire history all major updates were just 1 more version above it, and smaller updates were counted as .1 now what changed?

This is kind of concerning news to me becouse im starting to think Squad is heading for a rush devolopment. Maybe this was taking too long and we will see 9 more versions in beta as 91 92 to 1.00 etc. is there a funding problem for the devolopment lately or squad has devoloped most of what it was planned for the game so we are making a huge jump. is there an official explanation for this becouse game obviously could use a bit more. if not ALOT MORE. You might argue that there are lots of mods that expand gameplay and suplements, and squad might be depending on this side for justifiyng a full price release sale at the end of the day but, i dont think a devolopment should work that way.

Thank you for answers.

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