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Custom Part not appearing in editor

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Today I tried making a part from scratch for the first time, but when I loaded up KSP it didn't appear in the editor.

It has a model.mu, texture.mgm, I made the collider using unity and PartTools. It is in a directory in GameData. I've checked the cfg for any inconsistencies and couldn't find any.

What are some common things that might have gone wrong?

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common things could be config typos; missing texture link; bad animation; missing mesh in the export. you need to be a little more specific.

easy way to start troubleshooting is find your output_log.txt from KSP_Data, and do a global text search for the part's name. Notepad ++ is great for this. you can get a list of every log entry with the text you searched. look at each of those to see if there are errors related to your part.

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I've found two lines in the output log,

Load(Texture): KerbalEmpire/ResourceTank/texture


Load(Model): KerbalEmpire/ResourceTank/model

I found no related errors and there are no animations. Should there be output load lines for the config and the collider? Those did not appear.

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looks like your config file didn't load.

you should see at least 4 entries related to your part. two you see now. plus

Config(Part) //where your config file is parsed

PartLoader: Compiling Part. // where part is assembled and added to your parts list in VAB/SPH

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