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I'd just like everyone to know that I'm not adding more stars due to bugs. Specifically... teleporting to Serious after landing on a Fantoma and timewarping.. And the lighting issues.

Also, planets not showing up is a Linux bug, I don't know if it's x64-specific or what.

Also, in 1.1 I will be adding:

*Moons to all the gas giants

*Possibly a moon for Fierbinte?

*Clouds to nearly every planet

*If I can figure it out, possibly a comet tail to Ascension (The Jool+ guy figured it out, I'm gonna ask him)

*And I will most definitely try to add KerbalKonstructs stuff to Verviedi, but I need a good modeler.

Edited by _Augustus_
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Did you use RealSolarSystem?

Yes I did. I'll try making the planets from scratch again and see what happens. EDIT: I found the problem! I didn't realize I needed a separate map and color image. Finally I can start making progress!

Edited by Thomas988
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@Augustus, that rail looks cool. Though, may I tell another idea to you (that's your choice to implement):

An alien structure on one of the Kerbol Expanded planets? I thought it would make an interesting easter egg.

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@Augustus, that rail looks cool. Though, may I tell another idea to you (that's your choice to implement):

An alien structure on one of the Kerbol Expanded planets? I thought it would make an interesting easter egg.

That is exactly what this thing is. It's an alien mass driver.

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Oh. It looked like a kerbal invention or something. Anyways, would it be useful for takeoff from Verviedi?

Possibly.... I didn't test it though as you have to land on it to use it.

I'm planning on adding more huge weird stuff like that.

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So I think Thud's SOI being too large, while a neat idea in practice... doesn't really work in the engine, since you can only be affected by one SOI at a time... anyways this means you can basically pass through Ringle as if it didn't exist since the game likes to throw you in the larger object's SOI (even if your course passes through the planet). Oh, that's if you're lucky... knowing anything about this game, I'd say most of the time, your ship will probably violently disassemble itself as you try in disrepair to land on a now non-existent body.

Yeah, it means you have to plan your trips carefully, in theory... but it also means its severely bugged even if you avoid intentionally wandering into the scenario in the first place...

I tried adding another moon in between Ringle and Thud for a test run... you literally can never enter it's SOI (HyperEdit instantly puts you in Thud's, on an escape course too!). Haha, cool you might think... a super challenge... Yeah, until you realize that you will just pass through the rock as if it were nothing more than an illusion... KSP unfortunately has limitations, and those should be taken into consideration... I vote tweaking down the gravity to a sane level (still high, just not so high it causes conflicts with other bodies), or moving it out a bit further so the SOI's don't overlap.

Edited by Nitrous Oxide
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Did you make that yourself?

I found this post over a year old of some WIP KerbTown mass driver, the guy made a beta download with the mass driver but never actually released the mod or gave it a license because he dissapeared a month after he posted the mod. There was also a plugin that allowed proper use of it included in the .zip, but I didn't feel like using that too. I ported the model over and spawned it on Verviedi.

So I think Thud's SOI being too large, while a neat idea in practice... doesn't really work in the engine, since you can only be affected by one SOI at a time... anyways this means you can basically pass through Ringle as if it didn't exist since the game likes to throw you in the larger object's SOI (even if your course passes through the planet). Oh, that's if you're lucky... knowing anything about this game, I'd say most of the time, your ship will probably violently disassemble itself as you try in disrepair to land on a now non-existent body.

Yeah, it means you have to plan your trips carefully, in theory... but it also means its severely bugged even if you avoid intentionally wandering into the scenario in the first place...

I tried adding another moon in between Ringle and Thud for a test run... you literally can never enter it's SOI (HyperEdit instantly puts you in Thud's, on an escape course too!). Haha, cool you might think... a super challenge... Yeah, until you realize that you will just pass through the rock as if it were nothing more than an illusion... KSP unfortunately has limitations, and those should be taken into consideration... I vote tweaking down the gravity to a sane level (still high, just not so high it causes conflicts with other bodies).

You can enter Thud's SOI when it and Ringle are on opposite sides of the system. Otherwise, I have some hope in Principia getting released soon to make this task easier.

Also, I was testing with a probe in the Sentar system and Erin and Thud were particularly close together. While flying by Erin I noticed that my trajectory showed a Thud encounter right at the same time as my Erin escape.

And, a while ago I landed on Ringle just fine, without ever getting a Thud encounter.

Thud's gravity and SOI were the same in PFCE. Plenty of people landed on Ringle just fine without issues. I'm keeping Thud how it is.

Edited by _Augustus_
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I found this post over a year old of some WIP KerbTown mass driver, the guy made a beta download with the mass driver but never actually released the mod or gave it a license because he dissapeared a month after he posted the mod. There was also a plugin that allowed proper use of it included in the .zip, but I didn't feel like using that too. I ported the model over and spawned it on Verviedi.

Uh... If the model didn't have a licence when it was released, doesn't that mean you don't have the rights to use it in this mod?

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You should remove references to Serious in the poll now that it is gone. I agree, it should be an optional planet pack.

Does Kerbal Engineer work with these to give you intercept angles? I would love to use this mod, but I almost rely on KER now (I used to play without it, but now it's an addition to even my "mostly stock" games.)

Edited by GigaG
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Yes but the people using it weren't redistributing it.

I asked the guy. Until he agrees, I'm keeping it but not releasing 1.1. If he disagrees, I'll remove it.

You should remove references to Serious in the poll now that it is gone. I agree, it should be an optional planet pack.

Does Kerbal Engineer work with these to give you intercept angles? I would love to use this mod, but I almost rely on KER now (I used to play without it, but now it's an addition to even my "mostly stock" games.)

Kerbal Engineer and MechJeb do work, however 1 warning: All autopilot/calculator/etc. stuff doesn't know that many new planets have different mass/gravity.

And I can't edit the poll or even remove it.

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I found this post over a year old of some WIP KerbTown mass driver, the guy made a beta download with the mass driver but never actually released the mod or gave it a license because he dissapeared a month after he posted the mod. There was also a plugin that allowed proper use of it included in the .zip, but I didn't feel like using that too. I ported the model over and spawned it on Verviedi.

_Augustus_, no offense, but you are very good at plagiarizing other people. There was the fiasco with the name of this mod, and now this. And, nobody has said anything yet, but you barely give credit to the original creators of the planets in this pack and wrote the OP as though you originally created all of them yourself. (EDIT: Ok, the last part is a bit better, now)

You have made a lot of progress on this, and I give you credit for that, but you have got to stop using other people's stuff without giving them proper credit.

(And why do you have personal messages turned off? I don't like to put these kinds of things in threads.)

Edited by Vaporo
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Well, thanks (even though you didn't have my permission) for adding some of the Manai planets! I'm not exactly angry at you, but they've been taking long trips from mod to mod.

I didn't actually add any Manai planets yet.. only Kerbol expansion and Abbadon... but I'm adding Manai planets in the next update. Didn't know you made them

I made some posts in Jool+, too. You might wanna check them out.

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I didn't actually add any Manai planets yet.. only Kerbol expansion and Abbadon... but I'm adding Manai planets in the next update.

I made some posts in Jool+, too. You might wanna check them out.

Nah man, i made the Manai System all by myself, the textures were gotten from SpaceEngine. Real hard work back then.

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