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Just landed on Duna for the very first time.


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And of course, in good old Kerbal fashion, it didn't occur to me that I specifically designed this lander so that the super large sat dish would be able to stay open during descent without breaking, as the inflatable heat shield I used was big enough to cover it, so of course I deactivate the dish during automated descent and only seconds before landing do I realize it when I find I can't open the landing legs.

But luckily, it landed intact due to my overuse of parachutes.


I had finally decided to get past trying to do some grand set up for landing on another planet for the first time and just sat down and built a rocket to send a simple lander to Duna. Even just sat through the 10 minute timewarp it took to get me to a transfer window. The transfer itself went well, though my mid-course correction had to be done manually because my maneuver node wouldn't place on my actual trajectory and rather the one I'd be if I simply did a fly-by of Duna. Lost some dV that would have gotten me a nicer, equatorial landing, but hey, not bad for the first time.

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Congrats, the first Duna landing is always a great one, even if the landing gears don't deploy (or it can't return)! :D

My most recent duna landing was with a small probe, on the edge of a hill. It kept falling, so I just rolled it down that hill for 12 minutes until it reached half way to the bottom, then I just gave up and got it semi-upright with SAS. :D

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Congrats on your first Duna landing! Even more impressive, you did it with Remote tech!

Sort of reminds me of my first Duna remote-tech landing:


It may have toppled over and broke one of its solar panels, but at least I was able to transmit some science! (Not very much though, not enough power to send seismic or atmospheric data...)

(BTW, what mod are using for the white sun? I've been searching around and I can't find anything about it)

Edited by Stratzenblitz75
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