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Does a Mod Exist to Make Better Rescue Missions and/or New Rescue Missions in 0.90?

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Has squad announced any new rescue missions -- besides the boring ol' random kerbal stuck in perfectly circular LKO with full RCS EVA pack, no inclination etc...?

If not, is there a mod that will add more diverse/interesting/challenging rescue missions?

For instance, mix and match the following:

(1) Number of Kerbals (1-3)

(2) Orbit vs. Surface

(3) EVA vs. In Lander

If EVA then:

(3a) Controllable when close vs. uncontrollable (i.e. he is unconscious and player must use claw to grab him)

If in Lander, then lander has zero fuel and:

(3b) Controllable when refueled vs. uncontrollable (i.e. must be docked with and hauled back into orbit etc...)

What do you guys think? Does anyone NOT want this?

P.S. I was thinking maybe its possible that if player recovers a spacecraft such as in 3b, they can unlock special parts higher up on the tech tree that the spacecraft contained?

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There's LostInSpace which enables rescue contracts from places other than LKO. I've had to rescue guys from Minmus and Duna before. I say it enables it, because apparently, the code is already in the stock game, it just wasn't made available.

How am i just seeing this now? Thanks so much!

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