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The MachingBird Revive! 0.90 update

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Alright, well I guess that part's fair then.

I like the plane design by the way, looks good! won't go quite up to 2300 though without the rockets.

Thanks, I really like this plane! But yeah, if this craft were actually my entry, I'd also want to ditch all the science gear, the the cargo bay, the extra crew compartment, probe core, batteries... etc. Heh, I'm thinking I'll basically start from scratch for this.

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Hi all :)

I also made a plane for the Kadvent Kalender 2014 Challenge...

Here is my "Fun Speedy Plane" 2324m/s Over Land with just a TurboJet Engine ^^

I hope this is a true "MachingBird" ?


a nice plane and try, but you dont have your resources tab open!

maybe animepug will still accept it though.

and cocadapuf, i also think thats perfectly legal!

it is certanly a lot less "clippy" than my plane and mixte's old 256 intake monstrosity:

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Edited by nicky4096
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Hi all :)

I also made a plane for the Kadvent Kalender 2014 Challenge...

Here is my "Fun Speedy Plane" 2324m/s Over Land with just a TurboJet Engine ^^

I hope this is a true "MachingBird" ?


Sorry gonna have to denie this entry no tab open and thats strictly clarified

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So could I get a quick rule clarification? On the clipping rule, it sounds like we just can't use the console to enable full clipping, right? Like as long as a part is placed legally in SPH, we're good?

For example, I have a space plane here (so obviously not an entry) but as far as clipping is concerned, there's some aesthetic stuff that technically clips some parts together in a couple places. This would still be fine right?


Secondly, this part:

Does this mean that the flight is not permitted to leave the atmosphere? Thanks.

Edit: sorry, one last thing. I know this is an all stock parts challenge. The only mods I use are visual (eve, distant object enhancement) and kerbal engineer, is that all fine?

Comsatic clipping: Ye that is legit my plane uses the same concept

Orbital hops: idk what the original autur ment bu that but i pretty sure it can leave the athmosphere atleast in my rule book

Mods: if you are 100% suret hese do not change game physics or anything like thay you can use it sure

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Well then, here's my flight: Meet the Icarus

It comes in at 22 parts, 3500 kg and 27000 kerbucks. Basically no clipping and only 7 intakes, which is low for this challenge at least ;-)

Oh and no wheels, because... reasons.


Top speed over the ground: 2345 m/s

This plane seems all legit and you will be added to the list please note if you use mods sutch as texture replacers and info gatherers note that in you post and next time so i dont think you have some sort of haxor cheatX client open. note if it is manned or unmanned its quite anoying to have to look every time, also front of plane view is missing but ill allow it for now because its a fresh rule

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a nice plane and try, but you dont have your resources tab open!

maybe animepug will still accept it though.

and cocadapuf, i also think thats perfectly legal!

it is certanly a lot less "clippy" than my plane and mixte's old 256 intake monstrosity:


Is this an entry or just an example of your plane?

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You have been rewarded with the most original craft price!

thanks! i did take the intake spamming technique from pinalallo and m1xte though.

and that pic isnt mine, i was giving an example of how "clippy" some old entries were.

sorry for the confusion! :blush:

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Meet The Sparrow,

Maxed out at 2318 m/s, Stock manned.


Hi all again :)

The album with open resources tab ^^

BTW, I was unable to reach 2324m/s again !!?? "only" 2304m/s.... :(

I'll have to improve that bird :)

My first true "MachingBird" ? ;)


Both craft's have been added to the list

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Meet The Sparrow,

Maxed out at 2318 m/s, Stock manned.


nice plane, but i think you could improve it by making sure all intakes are pointing forward. basically intakes get more air the closer they are pointing to prograde.

it looks pretty cool though, i think you might get most original design :)

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This plane seems all legit and you will be added to the list please note if you use mods sutch as texture replacers and info gatherers note that in you post and next time so i dont think you have some sort of haxor cheatX client open. note if it is manned or unmanned its quite anoying to have to look every time, also front of plane view is missing but ill allow it for now because its a fresh rule

Ah, sorry about that. I had mentioned it in that earlier post, but yeah I totally forgot to include that in the actual submission. Also, I believe my second screenshot was a front view, so that should be there.

one last thing. I know this is an all stock parts challenge. The only mods I use are visual (eve, distant object enhancement) and kerbal engineer, is that all fine?
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Ah, sorry about that. I had mentioned it in that earlier post, but yeah I totally forgot to include that in the actual submission. Also, I believe my second screenshot was a front view, so that should be there.

Ow yeah the second one is im just blind sorry :3

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ok, i found something weird.

i was flying a 3 engine design, just for fun, and i went high in the atmo and since it only had 4 ram intakes, some of the engines flamed out. but the plane was perfectly stable! even when one of the side engines was on and the other side engine had long flamed out! this could be really useful for other multi engine designs.

i suspect its because of the radial intakes.

this is of course not an offical entry but i wanted to show pics anyway:

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ok, i found something weird.

i was flying a 3 engine design, just for fun, and i went high in the atmo and since it only had 4 ram intakes, some of the engines flamed out. but the plane was perfectly stable! even when one of the side engines was on and the other side engine had long flamed out! this could be really useful for other multi engine designs.

i suspect its because of the radial intakes.

this is of course not an offical entry but i wanted to show pics anyway:


Its many control wings (thinga mabobers) and probaly good SAS placement gives the plane alot of control

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Its many control wings (thinga mabobers) and probaly good SAS placement gives the plane alot of control

i dont think so...

partially because way way back in the old machingird thread nao found a "feature" where engines would lose thrust but not flameout due to closed radial intakes. my radial intakes werent closed, but the engines did flameout.

the other reason is because my plane has no horizontal control surfaces, and no SAS other than capusule torque. some of the control surfaces are at a 5° angle, but i dont think that tiny bit of control would prevent the plane from even wiggling the slightest at 20-30 km.

not trying to be mean, just saying :)

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its interesting, because even if it didn't flame out, i've had SSTO go into a spin just from one engine losing thrust PRIOR to flame out. looking at your post, you have SAS on but the yaw/pitch/roll meter are all dead center, which seems to indicate no control input by either human pilot or SAS. combined with the fact that you did flame out but did not have unblance thrust... its some sort of bug/glitch you have discover i think

Wonder if this is something easily recreated or repeatable?

not sure if you are aware or not... KSP always flames out the LAST engine mounted on to the craft FIRST. so if you have an odd number of engines like your craft did, having the centrally mounted engine be the last engine to added to the craft would help prevent unbalanced thrust spin out. (assuming you immediately take appropriate action after the first engine flame out)

--- edit ---

I just had a possible idea why this happen.... looking at your craft again, the rear wings cross path with the two side engines.... this may infact be blocking the exhaust/thrust meaning it was possible the plane was flying ONLY by the thrust of the centrally mounted unblocked engines. That maybe why you didn't suffer from unbalance thrust as the thrust of the side engines were blocked/negated in the first place

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Just jets? Because it's all jet engines here and we're having trouble getting over 2400m/s, so your proposal sound a bit fishy. (But if you can do it I definitely want to see it! and an explanation of how you did it, because that would be 200m/s over the old record.)

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