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Somewhat new to the forums


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Hello, all, I'm a bit new to the forums, and have a couple questions about the way it works. But first, some info about myself. I'm a "veteran" KSP-er who's been happily crashing since .21, as you can see by my bio. I consider myself an OK SSTO designer, although I'd enjoy learning some tips from the pros about how NOT to make an underpowered SSTO... Anyways, I have one question. Do you need to post a certain amount of posts to have a sig? I'm just asking for confirmation, because I heard a while back that you need 5 posts to have a sig.



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Well at least that's sorted out.

As for your other question - the best way to ensure you don't underpower your SSTOs is to make sure you don't weigh them down with wings and other silly things like that. Building a SSTO rocket is just like building any other that is designed to go TO ORBIT, with the Single Stage making it somewhat simpler - big engines! Once in orbit, and with any payload detached, 200-300m/s deltaV and a couple of drogue parachutes should be all you need remaining for a targetted landing. Since orbit requires approx 4,500m/s in stock KSP that means aim for a launch deltaV of 4,800 - 4,900. Being single stage, the TWR will be very large by the time you get to orbit (and have burnt most of the fuel) so a launch TWR of 1.2 is plenty.

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