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My Space Music!

Rufus Loacker

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Hello folks! I'm quite a noob at KSP, but I really like it, and it inspired me to compose some music :)

Wind Crusaders

This was an old idea about flying that I refurbished and adapted to match the "american proudness" of our beloved little green frogs!

I'm planning to write a suite "a la Holst" for every planet in the game^^

Every time I'll come out with a new piece I'll update this topic, in the meantime... happy listening!

Edited by Rufus Loacker
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Hey Rufus!

I wouldn't go so far as saying that I'm the resident musician of the KSP forums, but I certainly have been making KSP music for a while. I actually play all of the tracks IRL, or all of the violin guitar tracks anyway. Some if it isn't bad. You might want to check it out. Here's a link.

I'm currently wrapped up in a Holst-style project as well... maybe it'll serve as some inspiration for you, or maybe not. It's worth looking at though, IMO at least.

Anyways, I like this song. It's very American and patriotic. I look forwards to seeing what some of your other stuff, and maybe we could even collaborate on something :)


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Thanks a lot! I actually have seen your topic before, and I've already subscribed to your channel^^ I'd love to make a collaboration, really!

And I simply don't play my instruments because I don't have the means to record a whole orchestra :P but when I compose something smaller, I usually play the clarinet and the guitar irl.

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