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Make Satelites worth (not functionality extension, just simple idea)

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Here it is. It pains me all the time i do play and watch kerbal, from early times.., now i decided to filter it out.

"Make satelites worth" (in stock game)

- I do not ask for something extra, sometnig exact (even it would be simple to pick).

- I do ask for something which would be "satelites" good for in KSP. Because it is not a difference for KSP today between unmanned ship and satelites.

- Please make something for this part..,something small maybe?...

I will not write here tons of ideas already posted, that's no point.

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There is a mod called fine print (link). That mod will be included in 0.90. Sattelite deployment is covert by contracts that the mod creates. Looks like the feature you are suggesting ;)


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  klgraham1013 said:
Although I think RemoteTech should only be stock at higher difficulties, if at all. It's really made the game more interesting for me and gives satellites actual purpose within the game.

I love remote tech ;) but srsly, it takes a good amount of time to get used to it. It's also rather tedious to set up a fully functional network and can be rather boring if you set it up for the third career. It's an awesome mod but not stock compatible stuff

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  prophet_01 said:
I love remote tech ;) but srsly, it takes a good amount of time to get used to it. It's also rather tedious to set up a fully functional network and can be rather boring if you set it up for the third career. It's an awesome mod but not stock compatible stuff

Agreed. That's why I'm not sure it should be stock.

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As much as I'd love the advantages of RemoteTech being integrated, I get the impression that Squad are leaning farther and farther from the realism I want. We're not even getting heat damage with the re-entry effects they were oh so proud of. Let alone life support or working communications.

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  klgraham1013 said:
As much as I'd love the advantages of RemoteTech being integrated, I get the impression that Squad are leaning farther and farther from the realism I want. We're not even getting heat damage with the re-entry effects they were oh so proud of. Let alone life support or working communications.

They are still in beta/alpha (what ever), they were proud of it because at the time it was a cool feature and was a big step, it is still work in progress and they are working on a lot of things! they might work farther from your impressions but soon they'll probably add it into a hard mode. there are young kids playing this game too and they can make the game to hard for them! if your really need these things implemented get some mods!

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  Kedwin Hubble said:
I feel like status quo should be easy mode; AntennaRange normal mode; and RemoteTech hard mode.

I would be ok with that. there was a long discussion earlyer this year. Seems like most people would like antenna range to be integrated. I will continue to use remote tech anyway. Just like with FAR, DRE and TAC LS it just feels so wrong to go back to stock...

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Yes, that is the area of thoughts i ment. Lets talk about range. I would like to see something very basic, like was the science in first version introduced for example - that level depth of functionality.

Now about my idea how it possibly can be integrated. Satelites are basicaly good for signal and for holding up there (somewhere) for a while, so what we can now use that for. Science, reports?

Ok, lets have two situations:

we do not have satelite with reciever antena on actual body orbit (and another in kerbin orbit) - Gain will be (for ex.) 15% of transmitted.

we do have satelite with reciever antena on actual body orbit (and another in kerbin orbit) - Gain will be (for ex.) 30% of transmitted. ?maybe?


for start does not solve visibility (direct line) from one to another place... and stick with route Tx(source)->SatOrbitOrigin->SatOrbDestination(Kerb)->KSC Science center

for all of the packets (from begining to end) there will be consumed electricity during all time of transmission at each one of satelite used, if successfull then science points transmitted, if not, transfer fails, and you can resend later.

How about that? no new part needed, we already have everything in game.

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