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Floating Aircraft Carrier (100% stock) - V2 OUT NOW!


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Many, many more control surfaces, a couple more SAS units, and a counterweight on the opposite side.

Can it be put over 23km high?

The highest I've gone so far is about 5km cause it just takes forever to ascend. But I don't see why not. You'd need infinite fuel though

Hmm... I have been trying to create my own carrier... I guess I don't understand the magic. I can get your carrier to fly but mine won't it just falls. Is there some number of flaps needed or how close they are placed to each other... or what..?

I really should look into the flaps-per-ton ratio, but that'll have to wait till after finals. In my design, I believe (I'm not on my computer right now, so I can't verify) that I put 3 of the highest lift rating control surfaces per wing. Each angled 15 degrees aft. That should do it unless you put a superstructure or some other heavy thing on it, in which case you'll most likely need more control surfaces. Also, make sure you're dropping it from an adequate height, as it can drop significantly before buoying up again.

Yes, gGATORr, how did you you do that?!))

Btw, your carrier is really cooool!


Yes! Please V2! I love this aircraft,works perfect in my game! its so awesome!

Any estimation on when it will release?

I'm glad you like it! Unfortunately, finals are almost upon me, so I can't make any guarantees. It still needs a couple balancing tweaks. But sit tight and enjoy the V1, and I'll get the V2 out as soon as it's ready!

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While your waiting for V2, here's a challenge:

Land a conventional (no VTOLs) airplane on the carrier without the use of any type of retro thruster or parachute. The airplane doesn't have to be one of mine, so lets see what you guys come up with!


(+rep to anyone that posts video evidence of completion)

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While your waiting for V2, here's a challenge:

Land a conventional (no VTOLs) airplane on the carrier without the use of any type of retro thruster or parachute. The airplane doesn't have to be one of mine, so lets see what you guys come up with!


(+rep to anyone that posts video evidence of completion)

Lol... Your challenge is going to be difficult, especially because wing panel flight-decks can't handle the weight of landing aircraft...

That jet you see in the distance is my F-14 Tomcat, and this is the consequence of a minor touch n go on my reinforced wing panel flight-deck.


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Lol... Your challenge is going to be difficult, especially because wing panel flight-decks can't handle the weight of landing aircraft...

That jet you see in the distance is my F-14 Tomcat, and this is the consequence of a minor touch n go on my reinforced wing panel flight-deck.

Oh my! Haha that pilot just lost his wings.

But yea, I guess that's part of the challenge! I've actually never had this problem with the little jets I've been using. I imagine you're F-14 is quite a bit heavier, and was going quite a bit faster though. Speed and weight are definitely going to be important aspects of the challenge.

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Oh my! Haha that pilot just lost his wings.

But yea, I guess that's part of the challenge! I've actually never had this problem with the little jets I've been using. I imagine you're F-14 is quite a bit heavier, and was going quite a bit faster though. Speed and weight are definitely going to be important aspects of the challenge.

Someone was assigned the latrine...

That jet landed at about 30 m/s, although it's around 14 tons, about the same as my F/A-18. :)

Also, I think I'll just mothball the Tomcat, even if it looks better. The Super Hornet design just performs much better. (Although my Tomcat performs better with large weapons payloads.)

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And I didn't forget about those small canards on the bottom. You just can't see them. :P

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Someone was assigned the latrine...

That jet landed at about 30 m/s, although it's around 14 tons, about the same as my F/A-18. :)

Also, I think I'll just mothball the Tomcat, even if it looks better. The Super Hornet design just performs much better. (Although my Tomcat performs better with large weapons payloads.)


And I didn't forget about those small canards on the bottom. You just can't see them. :P

Does that say "LHA-6"? That's your first problem! Trying to land a tomcat on an LHA haha! And I actually like the looks of your hornet better... for what that's worth

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While your waiting for V2, here's a challenge:

Land a conventional (no VTOLs) airplane on the carrier without the use of any type of retro thruster or parachute. The airplane doesn't have to be one of mine, so lets see what you guys come up with!


(+rep to anyone that posts video evidence of completion)

Speaking of VTOLs... can this dark magic handle the lifting engine pushing against the deck? In principle it shouldn't be much more force than the plane's weight... but you know, I'm still dubious.

Rune. 3 ailerons per wing don't seem so bad, actually.

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Speaking of VTOLs... can this dark magic handle the lifting engine pushing against the deck? In principle it shouldn't be much more force than the plane's weight... but you know, I'm still dubious.

Rune. 3 ailerons per wing don't seem so bad, actually.

You know, I haven't actually put a VTOL on one of my carriers yet, so I'm not 100% sure. However, I can't imagine it would cause any problems. Like I said, with planes of the scale that I've been using, the carrier is basically a rock-solid platform. But hey, try it with one of your Viper VTOLs and let me know how it goes!

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V2 has been added to the original post! Enjoy!

Well,Basically the report is,It runs Well... And It balances out if i Do not tend to it during takeoff,And it smoothly does takeoff..

EDIT: Suggestion,i have maybe put parachutes in the system in case it scurrys out of control and maybe jet fuel runs out?

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