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Removing Kerbal fron unloaded Vessel - Not working as expected

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I'm using the following code to remove a kerbal from a unloaded vessel. Everything seems to work and when queried again the kerbal appears to be gone. But when I switch scenes he shows back up in the vessel.

private void CrewTestProto(int REASON, ProtoPartSnapshot p, double l)
CUR_CWLS += (Convert.ToInt16(l) * 10);
float rand;
ProtoCrewMember iCrew;
for (int i = 0; i < p.protoModuleCrew.Count; i++)
rand = UnityEngine.Random.Range(0.0f, 100.0f);
if (CUR_CWLS > rand)
iCrew = p.protoModuleCrew[i];
p.protoModuleCrew.Remove(iCrew);// Remove crew from part
IFIDebug.IFIMess(p.pVesselRef.vesselName + " POD Kerbal Killed due to no LS - " + iCrew.name);
string message = ""; message += p.pVesselRef.vesselName + "\n\n"; message += iCrew.name + "\n Was killed due to ::";
if (REASON == 1) { message += "No Electric Charge Remaining"; } else { message += "No Life Support Remaining"; }
message += "::";

MessageSystem.Message m = new MessageSystem.Message("Kerbal Death from LifeSupport Failure", message, MessageSystemButton.MessageButtonColor.RED, MessageSystemButton.ButtonIcons.ALERT);


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I did it this way..

either that

FlightEVA.fetch.spawnEVA(kerbal, p, p.airlock);

or that

            foreach (Part part in sourceShip.Parts)
kerbal = null;
foreach (ProtoCrewMember availableKerbal in part.protoModuleCrew)
if (kerbalToMove.name == availableKerbal.name)
//UnityEngine.Debug.Log("ImpulseDrive Transporter ShipToShip_RemoveCrew 1 ");
kerbal = availableKerbal;


kerbalToMove.seat = null;

depending on it's usage

my kerbals surwived the process, so I can't say how to kill them effectively.. - sorry..

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