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[Broken by 0.90 in under 1 week. :( :( ] [ロング�国を��る�] JMSDF Kawasaki P-1A


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This is the initial production model of the Kawasaki P-1A. It has a fuel tank to engine ratio of over 6, or over 3600 units of fuel for four turbofan engines, enabling loitering and C4ISR missions.

This model is armed with a SATCOM unit (bulge near the cockpit on the top), two SHARK guided missiles, and four parachute deployed sonar buoys. All weapons are carried in the large internal bomb bay.

External hard points are available upon request.

Press 1 to toggle bomb bays.

Download: https://www.dropbox.com/s/qbo2ql9bcqiyiwz/P-1A.craft?dl=0



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The fuel capacity is over 6 tanks per engine.

Also, I fired a guided missile at the P-1A...

Confirmed kill. :)

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An early prototype model.


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Edited by andrew123
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i cant wait for 0.90.......sooo much bombers are going to happen...also andrew i would like you to prepare long range (10 km) missiles with no air glitching....i need them for a secret project....also good warheads!

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Did you feel that? I don't know what it was...


The imperial navy frowns upon your lack of faith...

We will send a stealth ship to cleanse you of doubt.

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Also, this ship is freakishly durable.

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i cant wait for 0.90.......sooo much bombers are going to happen...also andrew i would like you to prepare long range (10 km) missiles with no air glitching....i need them for a secret project....also good warheads!

Will do.

It might look like the AMRAAM.


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