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The "Pull as many Gees as you can" challenge


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"Take a ride into... The danger zone!" *guitar solo*

The goal of the challenge is to get as many gee forces as you can, based on the f3 flightlog at the end, or the seismic accelerator science part. Points will be determined by how many gee forces you got. There will be numerous different leaderboards, with slightly different rules for each one (Don't worry glitch exploiters, there's one for you!)

The base rules, i'm pretty lax about them, if something is in doubt i'll add you to the leaderboard anyways, but with a red * at the end. If you REALLY want a clarification, you can private message me, or post in the thread.

Things I want for a valid entry:

screenshots of:

your vehicle at the runway/launchpad

and the top gee forces, or the gee force you want to enter. Basically any method is acceptable.

...that's it, I don't need to see your method. However, including it would add a lot, so please do.

The leader boards:

Cheating: Basically, hyperedit, going through Jool, decoupler ridiculousness or infinite fuel ARE ALL ALLOWED in this leaderboard. Go crazy!

Non-Cheating: No infinite fuel, no hyperedit, nothing cheaty (Infiniglide is a grey area however, i'll add you anyways, i'll just note it in the leaderboard.)

Modified: Part mods, FAR, DRE, note what mods you're using. There isn't a seperate category for "Cheating" modified and "Non-Cheating" modified. Things like KER, kerbal alarm clock, Precise-node, mods that don't change anything, don't count. Cheating will get you a "Cheating" modifier in this section, though.

...Things to include that will be added as detail with your entry are...

Mods that DO affect things like atmosphere, etc. Please list most of them off, if you're not using parts in a craft but you have the mod installed, it doesn't matter. Things like FAR, that change atmospheres DO, however.

Unique details. Did you go interplanetary to pull Gee forces in the atmosphere of Jool, did you boat in Laythe, or sling around Tylo? If so, list em all here. All entries will be assumed to take place entirely in Kerbin's SOI otherwise.

Manned, or Unmanned? Unmanned let's you build smaller craft, so it should be denoted if you're going manned or unmanned.

Did you survive? This is a big one. Did you burn to a crisp reentering the atmosphere? Did you crash after that loop-de-loop in your plane?

Without further ado, the entries.


1. Example: Bill Kerman: 300 Gees: used hyperedit to go EXTREMELY FAST through Kerbin's atmosphere. Manned. Crashed at the end.




1. Example: Jebediah Kerman: 40 Gees




1. cantab: 335.792 Gees, near future technologies, manned, survived. Went from Jool, to retrograde solar orbit and aerocaptured in Kerbin. (Recorded by KER)



(all entries will get a place in the leaderboard, assuming they pull 5 gees or more, so that 1 part capsules don't count as valid entries)

TL;DR: Make a vehicle that can get a lot of Gee Forces. Post two or more screenshots, one of the vehicle in the VAB/SPH, or on the runway or launchpad, and one of your gee forces. Basically any method is acceptable, like KER, the in-game science part, and the flight log.

(There was a challenge like this, but it got 1 reply and it only applied to reentry and the rules were really vague. It was also in 2013, so there was that.)

If you have ANY suggestions, or clarifications to add, please let me know.

Edited by Norpo
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Example entry:

Unmanned, survived at the end. (the picture at the end is of the craft after the whole event, oops) No mods, probably some infinigliding, but no cheats other than that. 178.2 Gees. Done by loop-de-looping while burning some of my fuel to raise myself higher so I didn't crash.

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The F3 log is very inaccurate for gees. Might want to use the stock Seismic Accelerometer part instead.

Hm, it is?

I have to go soon; but I suppose that makes sense, i'll use that instead

EDIT: I did some testing, and it seems somewhat accurate, so i'll just accept entries using either one. The seismic accelerometer seems to place it to more decimal places, which is nice, but since most entries (I assume) will be around at least 40 (in this game apparently it's not too hard to get gees).

If anyone wants to post using the accellerometer as a baseline, they can for more accurate results.

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Ah, I wish that this challenge took place back in the days of the Ridiculous Infiniglider.

This little thing experienced G-spikes of over 2,000 G's, once. The highest G-force that I took a picture of, though, was a "scant" 315 G's. Completely stock, unmanned, and impacted the ground at about 3 km/s, so no survival :)


Unfortunately, this is old and so doesn't really count. Still, though, infinigliders are most definitely the way to go with this challenge. If you make them large enough, you can man them. Also, you can actually land successfully with them (if you ditch the control-surface-filled bit).

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Well here's my old record in the Modified category.

335 g. Near Future Technologies, Kerbin aerocapture and landing on return from Jool.

The ship.


The trajectory. A 12 km/s ejection burn putting us onto a solar retrograde transfer.


Peak g recorded by KER. Hopefully this is an acceptable method. The ship broke in two but the crew section stayed intact and landed safely.


Safe landing: https://flic.kr/p/pV8R6G

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This is my entry in the CHEATING category. Using physicsless engines and structural parts, the ship weighs only 0.04 tons. Adding more engines would have given a better TWR, but the part count started to lag my computer. Notice that the screenshot was taken only 12 seconds after takeoff while using 5% thrust in the denser part of the atmosphere. Of course, I used infinite fuel. So this is 9371 g's.


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