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Spaceplane mission to Vall


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I am trying to do a career mode run using mainly space planes. This worked great for Mun, Minmus and even Duna. But when Jool contracts started appearing, the challenge became tougher. My solution was to build a space plane that drops tanks as it ascends. This leaves more delta V for the nuclear rockets once in LKO.

Using this approach I was able to fulfill a contract to plant a flag on Vall.

Here is the mission of brave Obmund Kerman to plant the flag and return a sample from the Icy moon of Jool.

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Edited by kriseric
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Not only are cargo bays great, but they are implemented pretty well in the stock game. AKAIK, they remove drag from objects placed inside them, making it more efficient to lift to orbit.

Also, docking is easier for a noob like me, because they provide something more substantial to crash into LOL.

The bigger question is, why take a space plane to Vall in the first place? I don't really have a good answer other than:

-More efficient to Kerbin orbit;

-Some pitch control when aerobraking;

-Mostly reusable

-Easier to land directly at KSC

Downsides are that wings and extra junk add mass to the transfer stage.

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