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I am loving this game, but having so many fails in reaching an orbit that is around Kerbal and yet I\'m still going to blast rockets up as I think I had a successful orbit but it seems that its too high up and has the same orbit as Kerbal around the sun.

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Welcome! it sounds as if you sent yourself into an orbit around Kerbol (the sun).

Happy launchings!


(No important position)

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from my experience in learning the little bit i have i recommend using SAS modules, activate it before liftoff, go straight up until you reach the first atmospheric layer break (not sure what to call it but where the line goes from dark blue to lighter blue), at this point deactivate your sas long enough to use the d key to lean over about 45 degrees, then reactivate sas. once you hit about 50K do this again over to being even with the horizon. use the m key to look at the path of your orbit. you can click the little button on the bottom of that screen to bring up your gimbol which allows you to make attitude and throttle adjustments from that screen. if you are close to the ap then accelerate against the horizon until your pe pushes out of the planet and up to near your location. if you are a long ways behind the ap yuo might want to time warp a little closer to it before your burn. once your pe is up around 50 km and your ap is around 100, time warp to your ap, right as you hit ap burn again to raise your pe close to 100 km as well. you can achieve a roughly circular orbit around 100 km.

the beauty of a 100 km orbit is that when you see the mun rise over Kerbin, you initiate a pro-grade burn (accelerating with the nose in the direction you are already traveling) and let it burn until your ap pushes out past the Muns orbit ( I usually shut down when ap is at 12.5 Million km)

the Mun will be quite a ways away from where your orbit intersects its path, but as you reach ap you slow down slower and slower. right as you near ap the Muns gravity will catch you and put you in a hyperbolic orbit slingshoting around the Mun. if you burn retrograde (rocket pointed in the direction you are traveling) your orbit will start to close into a looped orbit around the Mun.

as for my advice on landings... I couldn\'t do it on my own, so I installed the Mechjeb autopilot add on and man its made this simulator fun again.

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