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Tracking Station Search Bar

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With the new contracts such as satalite missions, the tracking station will become crowded during the game. I think we need a search bar to find the vessels we want in the clutter. I know we have filters but they don't help say if you have 20+ probe ships. And also why not a drop down search bar in map mode just under the current filter buttons.

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Thirded! (If that's a word?) It would be awesome if I could search for vessels by name. While SQUAD is at it, I'd really appreciate it if flags didn't count as flights. It's always mildly confusing that I have 38 flights, when only a dozen of those are active probes, stations, or manned vessels.

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Another suggestion is that satellites that are fulfill a fine print contract are placed in a separate category, perhaps called satellites?

Ya this is a good idea. Maybe contracts that involve de-orbiting the satellites that you first had a contract to put up.

e.g Put up satallite for X months then de-orbit.

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