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0.90 Career - Load Craft not responding in VAB

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Running 32 bit.

So I might have stumbled upon a bug regarding contracts. I think it's related to satellite missions. Here's what happened prior to the bug showing up:

I accepted a contract to put a satellite into orbit.

At this point I went into the VAB and noticed that hitting the Load Craft button did nothing. I presumed this was as designed as part of accepting the contract.

I built a ship consisting of a launcher, a crewed Mk. I pod, and a simple satellite attached to the top of the pod via 1m decoupler.

Went up, got into the specified orbit, and released the satellite. Unfortunately the decoupler force sent it flying off into oblivion at a very high speed. So I deorbited the manned portion of the craft.

I'm still unable to load any saved ships, I suppose because the contract isn't complete. Also, on the launch pad I can only select vehicles with a probe core. So I canceled the contract and figured I'd come back to it later.

Unfortunately, I am still unable to load saved vessels or launch ones without probe cores. I tried terminating the wayward probe core in the tracking station and successfully completing a second satellite contract in hopes of jarring the system, to no avail.

Unless I'm on the totally wrong track, it would seem it isn't recognizing when a satellite contract has been abandoned and is not returning the VAB to an "unrestricted" mode...and unless there's a way to resolve it in the persistence file, I fear this career is totally unsalvagable.

Persist File

EDIT: Seems I was. For whatever reason, a .craft file had become corrupted which was resulting in the load craft dialogue refusing to open. Deleting the offending .craft fixed the problem.

Edited by EnDSchultz
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I had the exact same problem. I solved it by deleting the corrupted.craft

Thanks for posting the solution !

Thia was the error --> [Error]: [shipTemplate]: Could not locate root part in Untitled Space Craft as 0 entries remain after eliminating all parts listed as children. This is probably wrong.

Deleting Untitled Space Craft.craft fixed it.

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