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Display issue when running in fullscreen - display is stretched

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I am having a display issue in 0.90, unmodded.

What happens is: run KSP.exe which opens in Windows mode. Start new sandbox game. Click on Tracking Station...and the display looks fine, Kerbin is circular. Press ALT+ENTER to go fullscreen...the display has been stretched. Kerbin now a flattened oval. The stretching is present on all screens.

This has never been an issue in previous versions. It is still not an issue in versions 0.24 and 0.25...only in 0.90.

I have checked to make sure the video driver is up to date.

KSP Version: build id = 00705


Branch: master

Screenshot: this issue involves the visual difference in screen display between windowed and full screen modes (ALT+ENTER), but the screenshots of the two modes are identical...and don't show the problem.

Craft & Save Files: N/A

Crash/Output Logs: here https://www.dropbox.com/s/ea5ex1z7iyb7dqg/KSPoutput_log%20-%20Copy.txt?dl=0

System Specifications: here https://www.dropbox.com/s/nks0yam7w9uezdt/KSPDxDiag.txt?dl=0

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I could replicate the problem.

And I discovered the cause of it. Switching to fullscreen won't change the resolution. If you use 1024x786 (4:3 ratio) in window mode on a 1920x1080 (16:9 ratio) monitor and then go fullscreen it will stretch the 4:3 image to 16:9.

Possible workaround:

Maybe there's a function in the display driver or monitor setting to disable the stretching.

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A bit more.

I can agree with Aqua, that this is an aspect ratio issue. My laptop screen is also 16:9.

What used to happen in versions up to 0.25 was that on going to fullscreen, the vertical axis was stretched to fill the screen, while the horizontal axis was constrained to 4:3, leaving me with borders left and right of screen.

What is happening in version 0.90 is that on going to fullscreen, the vertical is stretched to fill the screen, and so is the horizontal axis, stretching the display from 4:3 to 16:9, leaving me with no borders and distorting the display in the process.

Not found a workaround, yet, but thank you to Aqua for setting me on the right track. It doesn't look like anything that can be done from within the config file. So, again as Aqua suggests, any workaround, if there is one, is going to be with graphics driver

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I can confirm a workaround that works for me.

Prior to launching KSP, change the screen resolution from 1600x900 to 1024x768. This gives me a fullscreen experience that matches previous versions, with borders left and right, but no stretching.

I can't find a switch on my Mobility Radeon HD 5650 that will allow me to keep 1600x900 and at the same time prevent stretching when switching to full screen 1024x768

Forgive my naivete, but should I be submitting this as bug and do I need to do anything with the subject line? This is a workaround rather than a fix.

Edited by POllik
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