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"Astronaut Complex upgrade required for EVA and samples"???

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This may be it.

I loaded up the 64bit version and the following happened after I started a new career (normal mode):

Game loads properly, nothing out of the ordinary except that all the buildings are fully built up, like in version 0.25.

Nothing more to add really.

I cannot EVA or pick up samples because a "upgrade" is required to the Astronaut complex.

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Ok, if you are using the 64 bit version, it is recommended you switch to the 32 bit version. The buildings upgrade at career start is a known issue with 64 bit. It has been investigated, and unfortunately it has proven very difficult to correct. At this point, the best fix is to switch to the 32 bit version.

purpletarget posted a possible workaround you might want to try:

Load your saved game in the 32 bit version, and upgrade your buildings while in 32 bit. Then, you should be able to use the 64 bit version. Once you have upgraded in 32 bit, the 64 bit apparently works ok, at least regarding the building upgrade.

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