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Placing an Inline Docking Port at MK3 Cargo Bay


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Now with the release of 0.90 i saw that there is no inline docking port for the MkIII parts. Now in the future updates Porkjet may include such a port but until then i decided to place one of the existing ports inside cargo bay and with the offset option of the gizmos i tried to move around the cargo bay. Here i came a possible bug that SQUAD may have to look.

By moving the docking port with the offset tool the docking port gets stuck at one side of the cargo bay and you can only move up down and at the extreme left/right with no chance of centering it at the cargo bay.


So here is my solution.

First you place a cargo bay and place a large cubic strut and place an inline docking port to it.


Then using the offset tool you move the docking port to the desired position


At the free slot of the cubic strut you can place another attachment point...


...or a tri-adaptor...


... or a quad-adaptor by using the offset option



At the space beneath the docking port/cubic strut you can place any utility part you desire


Happy building and docking

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