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Sukhoi Su-30 MK [Thank You, Star Troll]


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It's damn maneuverable.

Download: https://www.dropbox.com/s/ccpt3a7qln2hoi7/Su-30MK%20Clean.craft?dl=0

Controlled cobra.


Armed edition sold separately. (includes 5 aa-11 archer missiles)

Look at that reinforced landing gear.


Some pictures.

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Make sure to get up to speed after take off, and set the throttle to 80 percent after take off for the best maneuverability.

Also, jet has not been tested without fly by wire.

Ã’ ÷ðщøту àþôøýы!


Mirage III.


Edited by andrew123
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Nice! I like those realistic intakes.

Any chance of a Su-35? It doesn't seem like too much of a challenge to change it.

The Su-35 is actually more advanced than the Su-30MKI...

You know what... I'll do it. :) The jet will be upgraded.

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