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Game crashes as I try to play, either in loading screen or when I reach SPH/VAB.

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KSP v0.90 - Windows 7 32bit - installed on Steam

Game crashes as I try to play, either in loading or when I reach crafting.

Has done so for past 2 months. It started when I installed B9 aerospace pack mod (which was up to date), but accidentally deleted the "NASAmission" and "Squad" files. I entered the game and it crashed. I re installed (which is why i'm posting in non-mod support), even tried deleting ALL files related to Steam and then installing it all at new, yet it still crashes (had no real game saves to care about).

My Computer is running Intel i5 going 2.67GHz, 4GB RAM, Geforce GTX 260, 32bit windows 7 (home premium).

https://www.dropbox.com/s/qyaber9m22fn7va/crash.dmp?dl=0 <-- Crash.dmp

https://www.dropbox.com/s/mk5zfb2ho9umc20/error.log?dl=0 <-- error.log

https://www.dropbox.com/s/ev8mfweh7o41d0l/output_log.txt?dl=0 <-- output_log

https://www.dropbox.com/s/ksqa650cpcuncxe/report.ini?dl=0 <-- report.ini

Hope there is a way to fix this, because I am really tired of playing on my 11' laptop...

Thanks on forehand!

Edited by AuguCow
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I know your problem. 32 bit windows needs the texture turned to half res or less as with the new release KSP uses to much ram. I probably sound crazy so you should watch this video.

As of 0.90 KSP uses about 2GB of RAM just to load the menu about 2.5GB at space centre and buildings.

With 32 bit windows you can only use about 2.75GB of RAM whereas anyone with 64bit Windows can use 3.5GB RAM on KSP.


1. Turn texture res to 1/2 or 1/4

2. Install Active Texture Management [Delete any files in this plugin that isnt stock]

3. Do both of above [best Idea]

4. Upgrade to 64 bit windows and by another 4GB RAM for when KSP gets moved to Unity 5 allowing 64 bit compatibility [Pricey but good in long term]

Edited by Commander Jebidiah
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