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Question about RealSolarSystem8.3

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Sorry if this post is on the wrong forum, I didn't know where else to post it.

I'm playing KSP 0.25-32bit and using the 'Real Solar System' mod. All I want to do is edit the CFG file so that ONLY the Mun is changed to the real Moon: I only want the texture, geometry changed to the real Moon, not the orbital parameters. But no matter which lines of code I remove, I can't get it to work; the Mun reverts back to its default shape and texture. Only when I load the mod unaltered, with the default CFG, does it work.

I'm not a script-kiddy so I don't really know what I'm doing. I just assumed removing all references to the rest of the planets and moons, and the lines pertaining to the Moon's orbit would make it work. Here's what the edited CFG looks like:




// do we wrap scaledspace?

//wrap enables wrapping of scaledspace meshes. It defaults to false. If placed at the top of the RSS config, it will apply globally, but can be locally overridden.

//spheresOnly replaces all scaledspace meshes with spheres. It defaults to false. If placed at the top of the RSS config it will apply globally, but can be locally overridden.

//Inside a CB {} node, you can also set:

// wrap to override the global value. Defaults to the global value.

// useSphericalSSM to override the global value. Defaults to the global value.

wrap = true

useKeypressClip = true

cam01NearClip = 1

// do we only use spheres for scaledspace?

spheresOnly = false

// do we compress normals?

compressNormals = false

// Form: Epoch is the time in seconds until the epoch of orbital elements.

// We use B1950.0 == 1949-12-31 22:09:18.216 Temps Atomique International.

// The game starts at 1951-01-01 00:00:00.0000 Temps Atomique International.

// In other words, the year 1951 begins in Greenwich roughly when the game

// starts (We do *not* use UTC because leap seconds are discontinuous, and UTC

// is not defined in 1951; UT1 is a right mess).

// The time to epoch was computed as -(365*24*3600 + 24*3600 - 22*3600 - 9*60 - 18.216).

Epoch = -31542641.784

// Note, bodies below MUST be in precedence order. Parents before children.

// So Sun, then the planets, then the moons.

// Specify ONLY ONE OF THE FOLLOWING: GeeASL, Mass, gravParameter. The others

// will be calculated from it.

// The orbital elements are computed using the Jet Propulsion Laboratory

// HORIZONS system (http://ssd.jpl.nasa.gov/horizons.cgi) using the following

// settings in order to get correct axial tilt for Earth at epoch:

// Start time : A.D. 1949-Dec-31 22:09:50.4000 CT [JD2433282.4235]

// Reference frame : FK4/B1950.0

// Output type : GEOMETRIC osculating elements

// Coordinate systm: Earth Mean Equator and Equinox of Reference Epoch

// We use the primary's centre as our centre, this results in accurate

// positions at epoch. To quote HORIZONS,

// Reference epoch: B1950.0

// xy-plane: plane of the Earth's mean equator at the reference epoch

// x-axis : out along ascending node of instantaneous plane of the Earth's

// orbit and the Earth's mean equator at the reference epoch

// z-axis : along the Earth mean north pole at the reference epoch

// We do not set the periods because nothing good can come out of

// inconsistent orbital elements.




SSColor = GameData/RealSolarSystem/Plugins/PluginData/MoonColor.png

SSBump = GameData/RealSolarSystem/Plugins/PluginData/Moon_NRM.png





maxLevel = 14

maxQuadLenghtsPerFrame = 0.001 //i.e. nearly disable this -- and yes, typo is correct.



heightMapDeformity = 19905.0

heightMap = GameData/RealSolarSystem/Plugins/PluginData/MoonHeight.png


PQSMod_VertexSimplexHeight // doubles


deformity = 1200 // 400

persistence = 0.7 //0.5

frequency = 1 // 12

//octaves = 10 // 8 // A DOUBLE


PQSMod_VertexHeightNoiseVertHeight // floats


deformity = 1200 // 400

frequency = 12 // 12

//octaves = 7 // 6 // INT




KEYvoronoiSeed = 824

voronoiFrequency = 0 //50




KEYvoronoiSeed = 462

voronoiFrequency = 0 //50






blend = 1.0

color = 0.01, 0.01, 0.01, 1.0

order = 9




vertexColorMap = GameData/RealSolarSystem/Plugins/PluginData/MoonColor.png

blend = 1.0

order = 9999993






















flyingAltitudeThreshold = 7000

spaceAltitudeThreshold = 200000

FlyingHighDataValue = 1

FlyingLowDataValue = 1



Is what I'm trying to do even possible? Does this mod cease to work if you remove, edit lines? I know you can apply

realistic Moon textures in other ways, but they only change the appearance of the Mun at a distance; they don't change

the physical properties of the Moon to match as you view from lower altitudes.

Sorry about the format, I gave up trying to get this editor to paste it as it actually appears. I hope you can still read it.

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