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Explain the effect of a building upgrade BEFORE you decide to buy it.

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When you hover over a building, you can see the effect of its CURRENT upgrade level, but it's just as important, perhaps even MORE important, to know what the effect of sinking your money into upgrading it would give you.

If I have enough funds to upgrade one of 3 or 4 different buildings, but only enough to do one of them, then I'm basically just picking one randomly if I don't have the data to tell me what the effect of each choice of upgrade would be.

The only one I really know for sure what it does is the science building, because I've seen the whole tech tree before. But if I'm trying to decide between, say, upgrading the VAB versus upgrading the tracking center, then knowing just how many more parts and dimensions the VAB upgrade will give me, versus knowing what new features the tracking center upgrade will give me, is vital information to make that decision.

At the moment, as far as I can tell, that information exists only *outside* the game, in a post announcing the new 0.90 beta. It needs to exist in the user interface *inside* the game too.

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