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How to consume fuel like an engine?

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I made a fuel dump plugin today because I always destroy my engines and I then want to get rid of the extra weight of the unused fuel, it works but is primitive because I just check all parts of the current craft and decrease their amount of fuel when they are liquid fuel tanks.

I whould like to make it consume fuel in the way the liquid engine does, but I have no idea how to do this.

if(UnityEngine.Input.GetKey(UnityEngine.KeyCode.O) || DumpStarted)
if (DumpCantStop)
DumpStarted = true;
foreach (Part p in vessel.parts)
if (p is FuelTank && (p.State == PartStates.ACTIVE || p.State == PartStates.IDLE))
FuelTank f = (FuelTank)p;
  protected override void onPartUpdate()

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I think there\'s a Part.RequestFuel() method, or something along those lines. That should consume fuel in the same way that engines do, so if your fuel-dump part is above some tanks, it probably won\'t pull fuel from them. (You might be able to call RequestFuel() on another part, though.)

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OK I\'ll try around a bit...

Edit: Only works below the tanks, not above. Next I\'ll try out radial placement and fuel crossfeed, and maybe getting a part below the tanks under the dump thingy and using it as consumer.

Edit2: Works with fuel crossfeed between engine and tank, also with a fuel line connecting a tank directly to the dump thingy. I did\'nt get the standard RCS tank variation I used for testing to be placed radially, but it should work too (maybe I\'ll try this later). The only missing thin is some particles, then it should be finished :D

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Well I got it working in this simple way:

if (RequestFuel(this, DumpAmount * UnityEngine.Time.deltaTime, getFuelReqId()))

(If is there because i want to emit particles when dumping)

I bet your code whould go around the placement limitations, right?

Edit: Urgh. No idea how to spawn particles at the origin of my part. Rest is fine (altrough my test part is underpowered, but that is .cfg editing).

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That didn\'t help. I also had a look at Cepheis decompiled code (when I found out that his IonEngine was decompiled, not because it was decompiled and I wanted to steal from the devs) but I didn\'t get the particle system. The only thing I know is that there is a class called FXGroup for particles and it looks very simple, so I\'ll try that out.

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