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[1.3.0] Filter Extensions 3.0.4 (Jul 11)


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OK, that will work.

Here are the icons for SpaceY and FTP:



Actually, it looks like Fuel Tanks Plus already has icons: FuelTanksPlus.pngFuelTanksPlus_selected.png. If you don't like them, I'll shrink the logo you made and replace them with it.

Also, for SpaceY, you might want to use a darker color for the un-selected texture and a lighter one for the selected texture -- the tab turns from light grey to dark grey when selected. Outlining the letters in a contrasting color would probably also do the trick.

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So, a couple of things I have been thinking about that I don't really know enough about to decide how to proceed.

1) Texture format.

With 1.0 having DDS texture loading as stock, and with FE currently being distributed with something like 320 32x32 icons (~20% larger than a single 512x512 on pixel count for whatever that's worth) it's may be worth making the switch. The sizing appears to be compatible (32 being a multiple of 2 which is required as I understand it). What reasons are there to not convert? (assuming the lack of read/write access isn't an issue, I haven't actually got as far as testing that...)

2) Distribution method / Icon Loader

Right now, FE the plugin comes bundled with a fair number of configs that one would need to manually remove if they were not wanted / have an alternative setup. The automated functions of the icon loader and (optionally) Filter by Folder are useful features in their own right that could be of benefit to more users and authors. Looking around, I see several methods that could be used.

Option 1: Split the plugin and configuration files into separate downloads. This would allow for easier creation/distribution of alternative configurations and leaves the plugin itself with less baggage (particularly useful for authors who could just use the plugin to get icons to work and/or create categories/subcategories as they see fit. Also useful for those that want to customise the lists for themselves without having to deal with updated configs). Downsides would be increased complexity (plugin install and configuration install), and deciding what to do with the icons. Widespread use of CKAN mitigates the install complexity somewhat and I can continue distributing a single package if need be.

Option 2: Split the icon loader off into a separate plugin that would disable itself if the full FE plugin was detected. Keep FE in the current single release format. Simple, unlikely to need updates outside of KSP version changes, but only really useful for part mod authors that want to avoid writing a plugin just to get the icon to work. Downsides would be a lack of features (obviously) so no making categories/subcategories without requiring a full install or a different plugin.

Option 1 would be my preferred method but I don't know how to effectively set up distribution. What would CKAN require to split things up, what to do with the icons, etc.


Edited by Crzyrndm
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Just tested DDS-ifying the icons with Lilleman's converter. It didn't convert the RemoteTech icons for some reason (said "Unknown file format A8L8"), but the other 342 icons were converted uncompressed and without complaint. (Note that a few of those icons are not in general distribution yet, like the cross-sections, so y'all won't have quite so many, but that's still a bunch.) However, they did not display in-game:


I think it's telling that Squad's default set of icons (under GameData/Squad/PartList/SimpleIcons) are all PNG's.

Regarding option 1, you could do something like Contract Configurator, which is distributed on its own, and then has a folder for "contract packs" (empty save for a readme by default). Contract pack makers can distribute their work on their own, either sitting in a folder in that folder or in GameData (CKAN doesn't much care which). Similarly, mods could come with their own icons and category definition configs to sort themselves (either in our hypothetical "FilterPacks" folder or in their own folders) if the maker has a particular desired way to sort their parts, and our current crop of icons and configs can stand as the "deluxe filter pack" for the general case.

We can also let the authors of actively-developed and maintained mods use the icons we've made and distribute them themselves, for the same reason I just mentioned. One icon won't add much to the loading time of any given mod, and users don't have to load any icons they don't need. (We may need to keep an "icon pack" of the icons which aren't adopted, for e.g. mods which are no longer actively maintained, or for non-mod-specific icons like the cross-section icons.)

Edited by Kerbas_ad_astra
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Actually, it looks like Fuel Tanks Plus already has icons: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Crzyrndm/FilterExtension/master/GameData/000_FilterExtensions/Icons/Autoloaded_Icons_Mods/FuelTanksPlus.png https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Crzyrndm/FilterExtension/master/GameData/000_FilterExtensions/Icons/Autoloaded_Icons_Mods/FuelTanksPlus_selected.png. If you don't like them, I'll shrink the logo you made and replace them with it.

Also, for SpaceY, you might want to use a darker color for the un-selected texture and a lighter one for the selected texture -- the tab turns from light grey to dark grey when selected. Outlining the letters in a contrasting color would probably also do the trick.

Oh, I hadn't noticed those for FTP. OK great, they look fine.

I'll go back and revise the SpaceY icons. I didn't get a chance to test them, so I'll redo the colors and try to get the un-selected shade to something closer to what other icons are using.

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Oh, I hadn't noticed those for FTP. OK great, they look fine.

I'll go back and revise the SpaceY icons. I didn't get a chance to test them, so I'll redo the colors and try to get the un-selected shade to something closer to what other icons are using.

I created that icon in my last push, so it's kinda new.

regarding how to distribute it I think I like the way contract configurator is done.

Maybe a package with just the plugin, another with the cfg and required icons, and another for extra icons (mainly mods / resources / cross sections).

However there must be a way to deal with duplicates (mods that include their own icons while there are also in the common icon repository, for instance)

- - - Updated - - -

OK, that will work.

Here are the icons for SpaceY and FTP:



not to criticize, but seen that you have a logo for Space Y with a very special Y (modification from a very well known x :P) why you didn't choose that in the logo instead or a regular "Y"?

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not to criticize, but seen that you have a logo for Space Y with a very special Y (modification from a very well known x :P) why you didn't choose that in the logo instead or a regular "Y"?

I can try it again. When scaling down to 32x32 it looked a bit lost when I tried it initially.

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Someone on my SpaceY thread mentioned that they managed to get a Filter Extensions config set up to add an icon for a "size 4" bulkhead profile (which SpaceY uses, but of course stock doesn't have an icon for this, so we get a question-mark icon). Is there a config setup I can add to SpaceY to set this bulkhead profile icon, or is it something that Filter Extensions might get by default in the future?

Also, I see that MRS is already supported, but not SpaceY or FTP. Should I look to add configs for these to the mods themselves, or should I submit icons etc here to add them to FE? I'm up for whatever makes the most sense. :)

I just added cfg for the mods with a lot of parts that I had installed at that time. As you may guess I have installed know your FTP (hence the new icon) and in the next hours probably I will have your Space Y. For FTP I'm not sure it deserves a icon in the main folder (it has a lot of part, but many of them have the same function and I don't want it to become overpopulated), but seeing your Space Y...maybe It deserves the same treatment as MRS so I may create a cfg (or support the inclusion of one if you do it).

BTW: don't forget that the author of this mod is Crzyrndm. I just send him my custom cfg and icons, but it's up to him to decide.

- - - Updated - - -

I can try it again. When scaling down to 32x32 it looked a bit lost when I tried it initially.

Don't worry. I've been there :P. If it's unreadable, don't force it.

Edited by KaiserSoze
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I can try it again. When scaling down to 32x32 it looked a bit lost when I tried it initially.

OK, I've re-uploaded it. I switched it back to the more distinctive "Y", and brightened up the lettering with a dark background. For unselected, I followed the patterns of other icons with black lettering and transparent background. Let me know how it looks:


- - - Updated - - -

I just added cfg for the mods with a lot of parts that I had installed at that time. As you may guess I have installed know your FTP (hence the new icon) and in the next hours probably I will have your Space Y. For FTP I'm not sure it deserves a icon in the main folder (it has a lot of part, but many of them have the same function and I don't want it to become overpopulated), but seeing your Space Y...maybe It deserves the same treatment as MRS so I may create a cfg (or support the inclusion of one if you do it).

BTW: don't forget that the author of this mod is Crzyrndm. I just send him my custom cfg and icons, but it's up to him to decide.

No worries, I know some of these mods end up with multiple contributors. ;)

Yep, I'm up for whatever works best. If it's better to add the config to SpaceY, I can do it there, otherwise I'll assume everything's going through from this end.

Edited by NecroBones
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So, a couple of things I have been thinking about that I don't really know enough about to decide how to proceed. (...)

I am definitely for splitting up the plugin and config/icon folders into separate downloads! That way, if there's an update to the plugin, the player's customized files won't get overwritten. That's the one thing I always need to take care of when I download updates to this mod. Other mods have dependencies listed that require the download of multiple mods to work. In this case, the config/icons would require the plugin download. But, there's a couple other things that I think also need to be done.

  • My first recommendation is to create a README pdf giving a few examples of how to create filters and add/remove items from a category. The thing about this mod is, you can't use it while in game; everything is done with config files outside the game which the player needs to create. The OP's "config details" is nice, but is just lacking full examples of config files with comments. Also, make sure that the description of this mod on CKAN clearly states that there is a README in the GameData folder so the player knows to reference it.

  • My second recommendation is to consolidate all the current config files into a ZIP file and include it with the plugin download (so it can be updated). They won't load, but the player can go into it and directly choose ones that they want. I don't recommend putting each individual config file as separate CKAN downloads, if that's what you were getting at. That would turn the CKAN repository into quite a mess :wink: Same can be said with a ZIP file for icons so they can be updated as well.

  • Last (unrelated and nitpicky) recommendation is to resize all the Filter Extensions icons to 75-80% of their current size. Right now, the images within the icons mostly stretch border-to-border, while the stock icons have some nice whitespace at the borders and are noticeably smaller.


Also just curious, what's the possibility of an in game GUI? I'm just imagining clicking a single part, which brings up a menu that lists all of the 15 check types (folder, part name, available modules, etc) for that part. These can be edited slightly (ex. "type = title, value = Radial Tank" can be changed to "type = title, value = Tank" to broaden the filter). Then, ALL parts that fit the checks that the player selected for that single part will be filtered. This applies to options for adding AND removing parts from a category

Of course, I assume this is a lot of works. The config files work just fine for me, but a GUI would be more game friendly.

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BTW: don't forget that the author of this mod is Crzyrndm. I just send him my custom cfg and icons, but it's up to him to decide.

Give yourself a bit more credit man, you adapted/created just about all of the ~300 icons and I don't think I've ever turned any of those away (I *did* trim down the subcategories a bit when they started going off the page...)

That way, if there's an update to the plugin, the player's customized files won't get overwritten.

That is definitely one of the driving forces for splitting it up.

  • My first recommendation is to create a README pdf giving a few examples of how to create filters and add/remove items from a category. The thing about this mod is, you can't use it while in game; everything is done with config files outside the game which the player needs to create. The OP's "config details" is nice, but is just lacking full examples of config files with comments. Also, make sure that the description of this mod on CKAN clearly states that there is a README in the GameData folder so the player knows to reference it.

  • My second recommendation is to consolidate all the current config files into a ZIP file and include it with the plugin download (so it can be updated). They won't load, but the player can go into it and directly choose ones that they want. I don't recommend putting each individual config file as separate CKAN downloads, if that's what you were getting at. That would turn the CKAN repository into quite a mess :wink: Same can be said with a ZIP file for icons so they can be updated as well.

  • Last (unrelated and nitpicky) recommendation is to resize all the Filter Extensions icons to 75-80% of their current size. Right now, the images within the icons mostly stretch border-to-border, while the stock icons have some nice whitespace at the borders and are noticeably smaller.

1) Urgh, documentation...

I agree it needs to be done, it's just another of those time consuming things that need constant work (The stuff in the OP is probably already out of date and not complete -.-)

2) The current set of cfg's would be their own complete download (with icons being packaged with the plugin for now atleast). Doing each one individually is as much a PITA for me as anyone else :P

Also just curious, what's the possibility of an in game GUI? I'm just imagining clicking a single part, which brings up a menu that lists all of the 15 check types (folder, part name, available modules, etc) for that part. These can be edited slightly (ex. "type = title, value = Radial Tank" can be changed to "type = title, value = Tank" to broaden the filter). Then, ALL parts that fit the checks that the player selected for that single part will be filtered. This applies to options for adding AND removing parts from a category

Of course, I assume this is a lot of works. The config files work just fine for me, but a GUI would be more game friendly.

I have an idea on this front for something a little less complex than a full editor (which is a complete PITA), but might be useful. It's just getting the motivation and time together to implement it.

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Also just curious, what's the possibility of an in game GUI? I'm just imagining clicking a single part, which brings up a menu that lists all of the 15 check types (folder, part name, available modules, etc) for that part. These can be edited slightly (ex. "type = title, value = Radial Tank" can be changed to "type = title, value = Tank" to broaden the filter). Then, ALL parts that fit the checks that the player selected for that single part will be filtered. This applies to options for adding AND removing parts from a category

Of course, I assume this is a lot of works. The config files work just fine for me, but a GUI would be more game friendly.

Have a bit of a play around with this .dll and tell me what you think. You'll need a cfg with this somewhere in GameData with the highlighted line to see anything (previous versions shipped with a settings file, I don't think the last few have. Edit existing ones if they exist).

It's very quickly put together so it does tend to break every now and again (just reenter the editor if that happens) and it doesn't support everything fully. I'm just looking for feedback on whether continuing development is worthwhile (UI scripting is a PITA, and this stuff doesn't lend itself to easy UI's...).


Ok, I'm convinced. Not by the intended usage, but by how a powerful it could be as a part search plugin (sidelining as a subcat creator)

Edited by Crzyrndm
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Give yourself a bit more credit man, you adapted/created just about all of the ~300 icons and I don't think I've ever turned any of those away (I *did* trim down the subcategories a bit when they started going off the page...)

Hahahaha. I did not say for credit :P. I'm just remarking that in order to be in the next package it's you the one who has to do the job of include it and create a new version (which is a work itself) :P

I really prefer to be in the shadows...much more easy and not having to deal with users it's really relaxing. I just send cfg when I feel they are ready, but I love not having to deal with user complain about bugs :P. Had my ration of that long time with a mod of another game (DoWPro) and I learned :P. I have a lot of respect for modders who can deal with users like you. I really know what kind of work is that.

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This mod (along with QUickSearch & QuickScroll) is essential, literally can't VAB w/o it.

Now please teach me how to make a top level button with all the parts that have particular module (namely InterstellarFuelSwitch). Because all my tanks (except NF ones) can't be had by resource, only by that module.

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This should do the job, just add IS Fuel Switch to the resources Category definition at: 000_FilterExtensions\Configs\Stock Categories

name = IS Fuel Switch
icon =
type = moduleName
value = InterstellarFuelSwitch, InterstellarFuelSwitch2

and maybe find an icon for it... :P

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Version 2.1.4

  • Some compatibility changes for the addon linked above
  • Fixed category checks when multiple were listed
  • Split install structure into .cfgs and "plugin + icons"

NOTE: users installing via. CKAN will probably have the typical filters disappear on them for a few hours due to the new install structure


CKAN has caught up, to get previous behaviour you need "Filter Extensions - Plugin" and "Filter Extensions - Default Configuration"

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Version 2.2.0

  • Parts checked for visibility in subcategories by other mods, exception patches for mods using custom subcategories is no longer required
  • Checks updated to deal with parts that aren't complete / meant to to be visible / are using category = none
  • Subcategories can be added to a category without an index/position. Unindexed subcategories will be appended to the end of the list (useful for mods wanting to add a subcategory using FE)

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I am wondering how the filtering works in the new version, right now am looking at the "All parts in Engines" category (green ones) and somehow a lot of engines aren't appearing, the big and small ones from Porkjet's Atomic Age but not his Lantern engine, the latter having a dual-mode engine.

This version lost its "atomic engine" category it seems (or was it nuclear ?)...

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Not the multimode ones, the nuclear ones.

Even the stock Nerva isn't showing.

The multimode is there, as it should be.

Version 2.2.1 should fix this

  • Fixed Liquid Fuel only engines not showing up in the Engines category
  • Fixed multimode engines not always showing up in the Engines category

That took a painfully long time to track down...

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