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Kerbal Space Randomness?


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Hi Guys,

please let me know if you are having the same Issue.

There is this feeling that overcomes me everytime I am entering Mission Control nowadays.

It feels like that Gene Kerman is playing dices with me, allthough he is offering me unlimited tries to find a super-easy contract with almost no pay, or an absurdly hard one by declining contracts I dont like.

I could end up with twenty satelites in a equatorial Orbit around Kerbin that have no purpose to stay there, or if I accept all the contracts at once I can do it with only one satelite, de-orbit and retrieve it and get my money back.

It does not occur to me that the implementation of fineprint made the game better, but just messier.

People are saying that we now have a purpose to build our spacestations, but we dont. We put them up there and leave them behind without using them.

Fineprint asked me to place a station around duna that can be manned by 9 Kerbals allthough I have no intend of putting kerbals there at all.

Just for the Money and the Science?

I feel like I am the slave to Gene Kerman's Randomness and I think it would enhance the fun of this game if the offered contracts would be more inline with actions that you are about to perform instead of offering you completely random contracts that clutter your screen.

The first set of contracts at least give you some sort of guide to escape the atmosphere and to reach space but beyond that point, I am getting overwhelmed by this sheer randomness.

I hope this criticism is not ruining someones Christmas but I am curious if you guys are experiencing the same with Stock-KSP.

Thanks for reading.

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The contract system definitely needs a bit of refinement, yes. I shouldn't have to spend 5 to 15 minutes declining contracts I don't care about just to get one I'm looking for to spawn. It would be nice if we had some way to specify what kinds of contracts we wish to take, so we could exclude ones we will never do. You can be sure I would be un-ticking every single "aerial/visual survey" mission if that feature were implemented.

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I think the problem with career mode right now is that it adds all these elements together but they still seem independent. I'd like to see the contracts serve as some sort of mission progression. The contracts feel like a separate thing that randomly tie into the game. I get contracts for parts I haven't unlocked yet or 10 contracts to test the same parachute. It would be great if the contracts aligned to a mission progression. Put wheels first. Make a rover. Then a glider. Then a plane. Then a rocket. Then satellite. Then orbit. Then mun. Space station. Etc. The contracts should be supporting this progression. And I think these should be tied together in a progression. Ksp doesn't make sense in a lot of ways. Why wheels so late? Why satellites long after orbiting kerbonauts? If they could tie this all together, career mode would be great. Right now, it seems like a sandbox game with restrictions placed on it, illogical part unlocking order, lack of progression objectives, and random contracts.

I think it would also be great if kerbal knowledge of the world started out small. Use "fog" to hide unexplored parts of world. Then as you explore, your map of the planet expands. You unlock technology to discover moons, planets, etc.

Edited by sledgeweb
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Yeah! Main mission, I‘d like to see that.

This game already had tutorial missions, however. That means you need to learn the basics from those tutorials BEFORE you started your career. That's not very friendly and a little confusing to new players.

SQUAD will integrate some tutorial-like contracts as the “main mission“ in the future, at least I hope so.

For now, you need to play tutorial first.

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Near the beginning, the contracts are good. when you are quite abit along, the contracts start to get a bit weird. when you have tons of rep, maxed out the tech tree, and have 10 million funds, I go into mission control and spend 10 minutes declining contract sthat tellme tto put a nineteen kerbal station around pol and SRB tests on the surface of Eve.

Yep. The contract system definitely needs some refining. contracts are supposed to be FUN, not tiresome :(

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