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Show off your 3D art!


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Didn't see a thread on this, but if there is feel free to direct me to it!

I've seen a lot of folks on the forum here showing off their art for KSP mods and such, but I'm curious what other things you guys have come up with, whether in Blender, 3DS Max, or otherwise. These do not need to be KSP-related (in fact, I'd prefer they're not! :) )

So I'll start it off with some basic guns I made a few months ago for a cowboy-ish style game.

BTW: I work with 3DS Max since I don't know any better :D


A revolver (chamber is animated to rotate and pop out; hammer and trigger animated as well)


A light machine gun (the barrels rotate)


The same LMG with some (crappy) textures

Obviously I'm not very skilled (yet) so don't be too embarrassed to post your stuff!

What has the KSP community made recently? :)

Edited by Slam_Jones
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